By Caroline Woods
Date: 4 March 1998

Inner War

Like the crisp autumn leaves
At the mercy of the approaching winter winds
I flounder around without direction
Till the chaos decides to calm
Fighting for control in the madness 
I find I am simply a pawn at times
Playing a game
To which i dont know the rules
The harder I fight
The more I break
But to give in- to stop trying
Would be to lose the battle and the war
Will I meet one day in the middle
No more tug of war for me
My fighting days are over
but my war has just begun
I will live each day for myself 
And love freely from my heart
I will not let the sadness
Rule my dark days anymore
I am saying my farewell
To the chains that used to bind me
And the wrods you used to hate
So don't cry for me today
I've shed enough myself
Just prey I find my inner strength 
In this war i've just begun

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