By Misti Velvet Rainwater
Date: 4 March 1998

Screaming Self

screaming myself into your warped universe
    no chance of you
 forgetting me anytime soon
     you'll think of me
  when I kick the sun outta your sky
     swallow your moon
   erase your stars
        unlike those simple, trifling little Spice Girl wannabes
     you meet in bars
  I matter, damn it!
    I am who I am
 without compromise or regret or apology
  I'm the one who hands you the dagger with a smile
    allowing you to stick it to me once again
    I welcome the blood

 think you got the power
   think you're my God
      you don't own all of me
    you don't own my ghost

I look in the mirror and laugh
   my mad, ravenous Ophelia laugh
 and I toast the spirits of my brave, passionate sisters
    Billie Holiday
     Dorothy Parker
      Patricia Kennealy
       Janis Joplin
        Sylvia Plath
         Courtney Love
           Kat Bjelland

 with a sisterhood like that
  this doll can't be broken
    by the likes
      of you

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