By Mark U.
Date: 23 November 1998

Forever from now

and one day i will see you again 
but right now i don't know 
cause one day i'll forgive you 
and that maybe forever from now 
and i wish 
the road that i drive on 
led  me far far away from you 
into the sunset across the sky 
a million miles away from here 
cause i'm tired of the dead ends 
and curves you have given me 
cause  you're a traffic light 
with burned out lights 
and i don't know whether 
to stop or keep on going 
and i've waited too long 
cause another car has hit me 
and damage has been done 
so i'm going to pull over 
and find a new path to follow 
a road that is a lot smoother 
and the weather is much calmer 
so i don't slip off the road
an interstate with lots of exits
and a big passing zone
a road with no stop signs
but a yield sign here or there
a road with no tolls
and a sign that says love 5 miles ahead
and one day i might pass by you again 
but right now i don't know 
cause one day i will forgive you 
and it might be forver from now 

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