By Jenna (
Date: 2 November 1998

You Forget and I'll Remember

He said he wanted to move on
and forget the twisted mass of
memories and emotions, call 
"us," ever existed.

I couldn't understand how he 
could throw away everything
and put it all behind him.

Then he explained how he "knows"
I'll find someone knew.  After that
his voice just faded into the background, 
just another noise, like a bird that
wouldn't stop chirpping.

I couldn't stand it any longer
He said he wanted to forget!
I turned around and gave him 
a long, hard kiss.  One that 
consisted of passion and anger. 
I never kissed anyone with so 
much intensity.  

Afterward he just stood there with 
a regretful and confused look in his eyes.

"That part was for you to remember,"
I managed to say, " And I'll remember
the rest."

As I walked away I started to cry.

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