By Misti Velvet Rainwater
Date: 23 November 1998

My Leo Dictator

As he drives he tells me how lucky I am to have a guy like him a guy who will 
put up with my temper tantrums and sharp words a guy who will buy me a ring 
when what I really deserve is a sound spanking a guy from good stock with good
table manners and excellent hygiene with a pristine track record he's had trust
fund brats and debutantes and exotic dancers and now I'm the lucky lady of
choice now I get to be Olive Oyl to his Popeye and I'm supposed to quiver and
thank God fasting down on my knees gazing up at his erection in humble adoration
I'm supposed to curtsy nice say If you Please, Your Highness and Thank You 
Kindly, Sir and What Can I Do to Make it Better send love letters scented with
my cologne keep up my appearance smile at strangers and keep the Fuck You's to 
a minimum and if I don't I deserve the lectures the ultimatums the reminders of
my lack of social skills and spiritual poverty I deserve the tears I am drinking
as he drives and I sit looking out the window at the sweet blue sky decorated
with white whispering clouds and the trees crowned with gold leaves it is fall
again it is fall it is fall...

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