By Jeanmarie
Date: 4 November 1998

White Noise.

It's November...again.
The air outside is crisp
and clear and cold.
Without you, I feel like
half the woman I used to be.
Going through this life…
and watching everyone around me
dancing, playing, singing…living,
while I simply sit on the sidelines
mute in action, spirit, soul.
I am no longer a player, 
for my life is made up of
routine, responsibility.
Without the timbre of your voice
in my ear, on the phone, it is hard
to hear anything but the awful silence
ringing through my mind.
Unwelcome white noise that I cannot hear,
but cannot drown out, either.
Without you…this November is especially cold
and no matter how the fire blazes in
the hearth of my heart, I cannot warm up.
Is it coming from within…
or without???


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