By Erica C  (
Date: 6 December 1997

A letter to him

I know you’re not worth me, yet I want you to be. You say you’re not worth my love, pretty much telling me not to even bother. But I want to bother, I want to care, because you seem to have forgotten how. It’s like something or someone has taken the feelings out of you, creating a hollow space where your heart should be.

You, at one point in my life, meant so much to me. I never let on about it, even lying to myself to avoid it. But, it cuts so deep, knowing you didn’t feel the same. Knowing that the things we did, you found regular, even casual. But it wasn’t for me, and you’ve "messed" with the wrong person. I’m not going to forget about this, or let it slide,calling it a one night stand. True, it was powered by lust and passion, but I truly believe that there’s more to it...but with you, there may not be.

I don’t want to pity you, because I’m not better than you. But that may not be true. You told me in the beginning, you didn’t play games, but I found out the hard way that it’s entirely not true. You let me believe I could trust you, that you were nice and kind and understanding. I told you my fears, my goals, my problems. I don’t just tell anyone those things. It’s very rare that people enter my heart.

You’re a charmer, and in my weakest moments, I found you. I thought I’d never be swayed by a sweet talker, but it turns out that I’m just a hopeless romantic. I always try to hide my feelings and emotions, but for some reason, I let them go. I told you my thoughts, hoping you could do something for me. I suppose you did, because I now know that there are heartless people out there. I want to help you, I truly do, but now I know you don’t deserve it.

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