Date: 14 December 1997

Lover's Rules

1.)  Never let your love become a common thing
2.)  Never assume the other person knows you love them
3.)  Don’t say it doesn’t matter, if it’s obviously bugging you
4.)  Never underestimate the power of a smile, often accompanied by a hug.
5.)  Never be late for something important
6.)  Remember, they’re never further away than the closest phone
7.)  No distance is ever true great for true love
8.)  Never talk down to the person you love
9.)  Never forget that a relationship is a 90%-90% effort, not 50%-50%
10.)  No effort is ever to great for love
11.)  Don’t ever forget the was you felt he first time you said "I love you"
12.)  Sometimes it doesn’t matter how or what you say, but how it’s taken
13.)  Say "I’m sorry" more than you need to
14.)  Nothing is guaranteed- don’t expect what you have today, to be waiting for you tomorrow…work everyday for the next
15.)  People aren’t mind readers- if you feel something, let them know.
16.)  There is a difference between accepting what is meant to be, and giving up.  If it means something to you- work on it.
17.)  Never go to sleep angry
18.)  Tell them why you love them
19.)  Tell someone ig they make you feel all tingly inside- it will give the feeling back to them
20.)  Don’t get used to something- make every smile exciting, and every kiss sweet
21.)  Never think you know a person completely- people are always changing
22.)  A little space is sometimes the best Band-Aid
23.)  Never say "I love you" if you don’t mean it- always say it if you do 
24.)  If you’re keeping something locked up inside, be careful how it oozes out
25.)  If you’re too busy for something or someone you care about, you’re too busy
26.)  Sometimes loving someone means letting them win
27.)  Fall in love with a friend

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