By Jenna Holland
Date: 11 February 1998


All the times i needed you,
i reached for your hand.

You couldn't be there, 
you did not care.

You snatched your hand away
leaving me to crumble and fade.

But i was there for you,
to play your game.

It wasnt fair,
i needed oyu there.

It's your turn to roll the dice, 
let's do this fair and square.

I'm sick of your mansonr,
stop chipping at my heart.

I'm putting up my shield,
now you cant cause me any harm.

You sat and did nothing,
knowing i was being overwellmed by the dark.

So now i push your hand away,
I hope you are alarmed.

I'm tired of being taken advantage of,
I will not happen any more.

I'm sorry, my friend,
but now i close the door.

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