By J.Lesley
Date: 9 February 1998

Convent Girl

School days. Best days.
Racing Robbie Stewart for the record. Footie, Swapsies.
Drinking whiskey from a bottle for a bet,
Behind the lid in Mr. McGregors chemistry class.
Falling in love with the best looking girl in school
Bragging about it down the field with the lads.
Then you came, nobody liked you
You spoke differently, you looked too smart, too untouchable
To befriend. You came too late, to be one of us.

Even Beattie-up Baxter, didn't flew his sweaty fingers at you.
All the girls in teeth braces and the kids with no names
Were glad you had taken their place in the lowly scheme of things.

At the end of term disco
I'd been expecting the best looking girl in school
On the balcony of the Chemisrty Mobile,
Music pounded through the night as I waited,
Trying to ignore your presence.

But it was too easy, you said John Martyn was great,
You said it was better than being a stranger at home
And I noticed you'd beautiful eyes
Brimming with tears
So I kissed you.
My first kiss,

Then you ran off, fearing Godly punishment
So I found the best-looking girl instead
And kissed her, lots,
On many more occasions.

Now, whenever I hear Martyn playing I think of
School days, best days
and taste that first kiss again
for there was never any sweeter.

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