By Steve Soskin
Date: 3 February 1998

The Girl in the Mirror

She stands before the silvered glass
Gazing upon her countenance
The beauty that she sees belies her beliefs
A whisper of softness touches her lips
A slight smile conspiring with brown-eyed mischief
Inspires her imagination
Her image, shimmering in the reflective light of her soul,
and  with a shrug, a child is born anew.

She waits, watching the spirits of youth play in the sunlit highlights of her hair
The velvet ribbon of life entwined between her long fingers
Plays out its predestined dance of life.
Her wounded essence, replaying ancient injuries, cries out for healing.
Her heart, once closed, yearns to open
To be born anew

She is the Goddess ecstasy 
Her soul dances freely in  the ether
As she encounters those similar to herself
She whirls within the vortex of the healing light
Her aura inspiring awe in those that she touches
Vermilion raiment swirling round
As her dance continues.

And yet she stands before her reflection
Seeing not  her light
Feeling more her misgivings
Her beauty is worn openly for the universe
Yet remains cloistered in the safety of her cloaked consciousness
Awaiting the supple spirit of release.

Where once she walked with quiet caution
She treads now with no trepidation
Conquering conscious  contradictions 
A renaissance of  eternal yearnings emerges
Longings needing to be free
To soar on the soft wings of otherworldly life
To grow from infancy
To reach heavenward as she strives to be

See her spirit there, ashimmer
Yes, see her as she is
As she was and always will be
Know the Goddess, for she is you
And her beauty was always
And always will be.

The woman stands before the mirror
Seeing herself as never before
Iridescent bolts of  her Goddesshood
Aflame in the ether

She sees her passion and recognizes her challenge
Reflected in her brown-eyed melange of melodic spirituality
She nods to herself, knowingly
As her now wise smile crosses her countenance
Her beauty, self-evident in every reflected point of light.

She pirouettes before the mirror with joyous abandon
Certain of the knowledge of her wonder
Confident in the power of her spirit
Absolute in the Goddess beauty that she sees before her.

She whispers her words of  love as a paean to life itself
Assured by the strength of her lissome entwining of spirit and soul
She affirms her lifeswork her heartswork her creativity
Even as she yearns for more.

Her spirit, ever unsatiated in its need for exploration
For discovery of fulfillment yet hidden
Uncovers her truth
Yet she remains unseeing
Her magic being straining to be recognized 
as more than a reflection.

Her spirit plays the strings of my soul
Her melody echoing in my being
Her essence not merely a reflection
For she is
The woman in my mirror.

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