By carmen
Date: 13 October 1998


Like a blank sheet of paper
I laid myself before you
and allowed you to write
a new script 
for my life.
A tragedy
of anguish and torment
rooted in love
where the young 
and the innocent 
perish at the hands of 
their lover's
In perfecting your piece,
which was me,
you erased and scribbled
and doodled on the edges-
you left me alone
and returned only 
when the inspiration did.
With the final word written
you have no reason to continue
with me.
I am what you have created
and am now laid out for others
to see
and read
and to weep for.
No title, 
no dedication, 
no beautiful tapestry to cover me.
Just your dirty fingerprints
on every page of the story
  that is my life.

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