* The Blender Board

From: The Guppy kingsaladmonkey@hotmail.com
Date: 1 July 1999

i'm contemplating dedicating an entire evening to just writing something...here...most likely...just wondering if anyone would actually read a full length thought...i warn you, it may require a few alcoholic beverages and several aspirins to get through...

just wondering,

From: Crystevin
Date: 1 July 1999


thanks i really needed that..*S*


From: kevin urenda
Date: 1 July 1999


I needed that very much...
Thank you.



From: lizbethpinina@yahoo.com
Date: 1 July 1999

if it is possible,try to research and find and answer to the
last question-why do people fall out of love?

From: Me
Date: 1 July 1999


I guess it depends on where you post it. If it is on the new submissions page, great. If it is on the blender board, then the whole thing has to load every time the board is viewed for the entire month, which will slow down loading. That would not be great.

From: Erica (LadyFebruary@yahoo.com)
Date: 1 July 1999

Manet: I'm flattered you feel I deserve more attention, though I have not felt neglected. The Blender is the most supportive writing community I've ever had the pleasure to experience. I'm very glad you're enjoying my work. I've been a fan of yours since "Latitude," which I loved. I think I've put stuff on the blender board about you a few times. Just read "Incentive" today. I like the way your style tells and doesn't tell, if that makes sense.

Angel: Thanks for giving me props.

Of course, thanks to Kirk, for making it all possible.
Be well, everyone.

From: deevaa astoppin'
Date: 1 July 1999

Heya all...
Not doing so good again today, some how I have turned into an over emotional, messy chick. I am dead tired and sore as hell.

Gup, sorry about last night, I didn't get that last message until I logged on again... I feel real bad.


From: Kirk, Blender Keeper
Date: 1 July 1999

Hey Gang

This month's Digest is getting there, look for it tonight.

Bigger than usual front page picks section, 20 in all. Erica (LadyFebruary) actually hit a triple. Now, the front page picks are *very* subjective, and often I try to swing my biases so that it covers more people, rather than fewer. (i.e. the bar is raised for someone who already has a definite frontpage pick this month) But Erica's slipped in despite this bias o' mine- they're very good.

From: Erica (LadyFebruary@yahoo.com)
Date: 1 July 1999

Kirk, I just wanted to say thank you. I'm looking forward to seeing the new issue. I can't tell you how much it makes my day to receive this compliment from you on my work. I've become a total blender addict lately - I think there are some excellent writers here and I love the atmosphere.
To everyone else, thank you for the interaction, and thank you for sharing your hearts.

From: Cosette
Date: 1 July 1999

its been quite awhile since i visited the blender and im buried with these tons of work, and im so behind the new submissions. just dropping by coz just now i read that you have this some dialogue about LadyFebruary.

Erica, hey, i love your submissions (and i havent read your latest ones if you got some, but ill catch up you'll see!)... you never fail to capture my emotions, some bottled up, some i dread to experience. 3 hits from you? not suprising...CONGRATS! actually i've been mentioning to sinneD your pieces. i fondly remember "in the shadows of your dreams" and he can't believe i was crying when i was reciting it to him and that piece somewhat inspired me to write "child" (he doesn't usually read new submissions, some i recommend for him to read but now his computer is having problems)
at the moment thats all i can say and ill try to email you one of these days... thanks for sharing your heart too

Cosette =)

From: heart Song
Date: 1 July 1999

Just wanted to say Hello!

From: Cosette
Date: 2 July 1999

just when i have few minutes to catch up with the new subs and now they are missing! WAAAHHHH! *smiles*
anyway, maybe its just that i cant wait for the new issue...

Dee, whats wrong??? *worried lines appearing on my forehead*
i hope you feel better.

Erica, thanks for the concern, too.

Cosette =)

From: Crystevin
Date: 2 July 1999

Kirk and fellow blenderites:

I just want you to know that the blender is a favorite and regular stopping place for some editors and writers from many well established magazines. I've been approached by an editor that has seen my rants and poetry and is interested in featuring me AND perhaps this site in a fall edition of a literary review. I'm really psyched and will keep you posted if they choose to go forward with this piece. Keep up the great works.

My early congrats on your three picks. I don't know which ones he chose yet, but i know you are well deserved of the recognition. I especially liked "roots".


From: Cosette
Date: 2 July 1999

heart Song, helllloooo to you, too! what are u doing here? me? am hanging around the blender now and i cant wait for the new issue so i can check out on those subs i missed these past days. and u know what? i cant take ur "no need for wishing" out of my mind because sinneD really has beautiful eyes... thanks for writing that. *smiles*

Cosette =)

From: Cosette
Date: 2 July 1999

Crys - your "Intimacy" really defined emotional closenes and familiarity... you are really good! *smiles*

Cosette =)

From: Cosette
Date: 2 July 1999

Crys - your "Intimacy" really defined emotional closenes and familiarity... you are really good! *smiles*

Cosette =)

From: Crystevin
Date: 2 July 1999


Wow, nothing like immediate feedback. *smiles* Thank you for your gracious comment.


From: Cosette
Date: 2 July 1999

Crys, *smiles* as ive said, ive been hanging around here for 2 hours now although i perfectly understand whats taking kirk so long to release the new issue. 20 hits? whew! another half a million and i cant wait... i have this immediate, urgent hunger for words to describe how i feel right now. and i cant write as good as you....using the fewest of words. i always enjoy ur submissions......

Guppy, your "???" got me more rambled... but liked it! especially "can u speak all that you say?"... that describes me now

Cosette =)

From: Cosette
Date: 2 July 1999

Crys, *smiles* as ive said, ive been hanging around here for 2 hours now although i perfectly understand whats taking kirk so long to release the new issue. 20 hits? whew! another half a million and i cant wait... i have this immediate, urgent hunger for words to describe how i feel right now. and i cant write as good as you....using the fewest of words. i always enjoy ur submissions......

Guppy, your "???" got me more rambled... but liked it! especially "can u speak all that you say?"... that describes me now

Cosette =)

From: Erica (LadyFebruary@yahoo.com)
Date: 2 July 1999

Cosette: I like the mushroom metaphor in "top."

The suspense is killing me. I'm praying the new issue comes out before I have to leave (I'm going away for the weekend). But no pressure, Kirk. Thought you'd just like to know there are people here waiting with baited breath... That's got to be proof of a successful magazine.

From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 2 July 1999


Boy, I have to be careful with the teasers I let out on the Blender Board, it seems to get everyone all hot and bothered...

Crystevin, that's very cool news about the Literary Digest. Sometimes I don't realize how serious people take this little web project of mine. Keep us informed with any new news...

From: heart Song
Date: 2 July 1999

Congratulations to all the front page blenderites! and to everyone else!!

Happy Friday!


From: kevin urenda, klulessindeed
Date: 2 July 1999


Good job (although you ought not pressure yourself into hurrying into production... In my profession, something always gets missed or little nagging errors are made when you get too frenzied about anything).

I enjoyed the works you chose this month, and I also think that Erica's work (*waves*) is worthy of note. My favorite of hers ia "Escape by Bus." When I read something like that I almost despair that I will never approach real quality in my own writing...

<WARNING, diatribe ahead>
But then maybe it boils down to a question of perspective.
(Listen up, Blenderites!!!)
WE ALL have unique perspectives on life, and our takes on love and romance can only come from what we experience. Some of us have been wounded deeply and even repeatedly by love and lovers. And pain adds quite a bit of clarity to one's perspective. And everyone who has really lived bears some wounds simply from the vicissitudes of everyday LIFE. I KNOW that I have led a sheltered life in many ways, as have many who are far younger than I. But I continue to trust my (poetic) voice, as should everyone. I HAVE lived and loved, and that does count for something. So have the rest of you, or you would not be here, right?
Writing from the heart will always be important to someone other than yourself. And even if no one comments on what you write or if Kirk doesn't pick your poems for the front page, don't stop submitting them. Many of us read EVERYTHING (including Kirk!). That alone should mean something to all of you. (As Crystevin has said, if you have submitted poems here, you ARE published!!!)
<end diatribe>

So anyway, thank you Erica for sharing your work with us.
And congratulations.
Congratulations also to my dear friend Isolde, whose quality is also without question.
To Angel (TWO??!!! In a way, that proves my point above), ZoE, and Misti (of course), congratulations also.

Lastly (and never ever least), deevaa... No one answered your question, did they? All I can offer is an answer to a question within your "confusion." And that is once you have loved, given your all, that love never really dies inside you. You may reach a point where you cannot live with someone any longer because a love can no longer achieve balance, or that person committed a betrayal that all the heart's love cannot overcome, but even THEN a love once true is never dead within you. Hard (for me) to understand, but I am sure that this holds true...

<going back outside to paint now>


From: ZoE
Date: 2 July 1999

Kurt> I want to thank you for allowing me to be on your front page even though I took a 5 month leave without the internet. I was faithful and returned to my favorite place! I also want to thank you for reckognizing my good friend Jenna on the front page! She's a blossoming poet but her confidence in her work, so much that I had to submit some of her work without telling her (boy, am I bad at keeping things a secret but I did) is lacking so her front page selection will definately give her some hope!Maybe I'll submit some more of her work and see how it goes! :)


From: Erica (LadyFebruary@yahoo.com)
Date: 2 July 1999

Thank you Crystevin for the congratulations and thank you kevin for the kind words. Congratulations to everyone on the front cover. I was happy to see every poem there, remembering them all from the past month.
I've been getting more into the Blender since I first discovered it... have checked it more often this month than ever before. This month, I think I read about 80% of the submissions (missed some when my workload got heavy and never caught up). Originally heart on sleeve corner daunted me, but then I realized a lot of the interaction here takes place over the new subs, read a little at a time, and the comments centered around them. Anyway, I understand why Kirk had to choose so many pieces for the cover, because I thought of so many other pieces I remember from the past month that deserve being read. For example, Manet's "Latitude," emily's "1,2,3," Crystevin's "Souls," and kevin's Wizard of Oz poems. Anyway, I guess I'm partaking in my own diatribe here trying to agree with Kevin.
Kevin, your new sub, "image," made me sad. I don't like to see people doubting their own writing, especially not after a diatribe :) about trusting your voice. It's funny what you say about "Escape by Bus" - I've thought the exact thing about poets I've known, either e.e. cummings or william merwin or people I've met.
deevaa: confusion moved me the first time, but the second time was excruciating
That's probably enough from me today.
Be well, everyone

From: Crystevin
Date: 2 July 1999

*adding to the diatribe with stern but thoughtful looks and followed by warm smiles*

First Kevin, i agree with erica, it was painful seeing you question your ability to stand out with your works. you do indeed stand out my friend, your soliloquy about our poetic voices being from our experiences is right on target. We all have our own perspectives indeed and for many of us, it is a constantly changing perspective as we continue that self-examination and growth process. Each and every poet, from the classic artists of which erica speaks to the first time submitter to heart on a sleeve is a true poet because they have something to say, in fact, MUST say about what they are feeling and/or experiencing both past and present. That alone puts us all in a unique group compared to the blind apathetic masses that have never even read a poem or felt the pain or joy of love's fullness and realness.

Erica, you are more than welcome and i agree with you about the initial impression as a writer coming to heart on a sleeve. I'm glad you've decided to stick around, share yourself and your talents with us.

Blenderites: adding even more to kev's diatribe....EACH OF YOU ARE GIFTED AND TALENTED POETS. The fact that you DO SUBMIT and DO share with us is an accomplishment many people can never realize. Naturally we all have different levels of education, vocabulary and styles of writing, but all of that is learned. You cannot "learn" to be a poet, you either are or you are not. The refining process comes as we write more often and with more truth from within our souls. That is EXACTLY why Heart on a Sleeve is a perfect place for poets and the added benefit of the Blender Board makes for a great forum with support, friendship and mentorship. So if you didn't get a front page pick..don't whine, you were READ by many and you were PUBLISHED on the net. Those poems from last month and the month before are STILL there for anyone to read and you ARE a poet "amongst" poets.


From: The Guppy kingsaladmonkey@hotmail.com
Date: 2 July 1999

kirk and everyone--- a sincere "thank you"...for the compliments over the past month...this is definately one area (writing) where the opinions of strangers are often more genuine than the opinions of friends

kirk---on the blender...thank you for this brainchild of yours...no matter what your intent was when you first started this, it is clear that this means very much to very many people...to sum it up: you've given many writers a place to write...and a place to get honest feedback...after all, what is a writer without a reader???

everyone---it is soooooo nice to see genuine people...writing poetry is kinda like standing naked...like baring your soul and not knowing how it will be received...i know, for me, in every "chaotic" ramble, there is a little tiny naked me embedded in the words...and even the stuff that i choose not to fit into a measured pattern, i still search for the right words...the flow...

all writers are critical of their own work...i'm 100% sure of that...the talent of the writers in the blender is exceptional...but, more importantly, it is honest...the people who submit here do it because they want to...they do it out of passion for what they have to say...art

of all the submissions i've read, i only really disliked one...and i disliked it because it seemed like just a bunch of big words strung together to impress somebody...it seemed fake...and no, it wasn't written by me...ha...i'm sure i get some criticism for not having adequate closure, among other things...anyway, my point is this: i've read a zillion submissions over the past month...i've really liked most, and only really disliked one...

great writing people!

take care,

From: deevaa deevaa@paradise.net.nz
Date: 2 July 1999

heya all.
Wow! hey well done everyone.

I have had a emotional week, you know I wrote "confusion" and posted it, and I haven't re-read it since, infact I had pushed it out or my mind.
I just re-read it off the cover and I am sitting here in tears. Wow... it is pretty personal, I feel pretty raw... I just let "the coffee guy" read it... I must be nuts.

I lost a dear freind the night before last in a terrible car accident, she was actually family, but you can choose your friends right, and I would have choosen her...

and Gupster, Kirk choosing the first piece I posted of yours proves to me that I made the right decision in posting your works without telling you... I KNEW you had the stuff...

Erica... well done girl, and everyone else who made it... way to go!

Anyways... I best go the screen is getting blurry... I am so dumb.


From: Crystevin@myself.com
Date: 3 July 1999

*unsolicited commentary*

Okay, i've got two more days before i head out on a 36 day much needed vacation filled with more work than any vacation ought to have..LOL.

I was told by a fellow blenderite who wanted to respond to my last commentary and who apparently had to search long and hard to find my email address that i was a snob for not posting it. Because i'm not quite sure how to take that, i now post and will post at least once a month my email address for any others who would like to personally trash me on a more private level.


"almost former" is indicative of your ability as a writer and a poet. you hit some very personal chords here and i can relate to that poem at the deepest level. I agree with your intro too (and hope i didn't offend in my earlier commentary) that self-doubt is a part of the growth process, but everytime i read your works, i'm amazed that your writing could contribute to those feelings. But i must admit, you are correct sir, we ALL struggle with it, most of us just never admit it.


From: Crystevin
Date: 3 July 1999

Dee, *warmest tightest hugs* My sincerest heartfelt sympathy for your loss.


From: the gupster
Date: 3 July 1999

crys....walk a mile...sheeesh...i'm hated for expressing such things now...

From: The Guppy
Date: 3 July 1999

kevin...self doubt...remember always that it comes from a deep-seeded desire to grow...to improve what you view as imperfection in yourself...i see you as someone who has great reflective qualities...and use them to learn about yourself and others...a desire to learn is always always a good thing...you have many good things to express...and i, for one, am a sponge when it comes to such things...


From: the gupster
Date: 3 July 1999

everybody---sheeeesh...you guys...a good poem always...always makes me cry...be it for happiness or sadness...and often makes my more comedic rants just seem like feathery buffers...while i try to write, i often try to just get a smile...or at least a confused expression...i hope to whatever divine power you may or may not believe in that i am not seen as someone who thinks they have anything figured out more than anyone else...ever...

From: star69
Date: 3 July 1999

congrats to all who made the front page this month - and thanks kirk for including me ...also following in the same vein as everyone else who has posted, congratulations to everyone who has submitted anything ! it's always a joy to read them.

From: ZoE
Date: 3 July 1999

kEvIN> Loved " to an almost former lover"....great work...alittle different from your usual poetry voice but none the less a great raw reflection of you....

From: kevin urenda, klufishinginamerica
Date: 3 July 1999

Happy hot weekend, all.

Special thanks to Erica, Crystevin and the Guppy for your support and for listening. It is the people who inhabit this place that make it a community, not just another 'site.'
BIG THANKS AGAIN TO KIRK for that as well!!!
Thanks too to the silent majority who reads all this stuff sitting silently in the back of the room. I never forget that those many thousands of hits are coming from SOMEWHERE!

Thanks for the kind words on "...almost former lover", ZoE and Crys...
Crys - no sir, your commentary did not give offense, my intro was an editorial comment directed to lend some perspective.
Guppy - your levity is most certainly not filler. Humor is an element of romance that goes mostly untreated around here, and your works in that area are MORE than welcome - they are refreshing!


From: Cosette
Date: 4 July 1999

Kirk, thanks for putting "Backseat" on the front page. it feels so great to be with my very competent favorites like Angel, MVR, Erica, Isolde, ZoE... uhmmm, all females except for Guppy who's so good as well ... just an observation! thanks really for providing a host for so very amateur writers like me.

Fellow Blenderites, actually that's my debut after submitting for almost 3 months now, and i never got tired or discouraged because my very purpose is to express and to share. as you have noticed, i experiment a lot to see how the readers may react to what i've just written plainly because i want to tap where my *best* lies. but still... front page or not, comments or none, it's always been a pleasure just being read and published. yes, we are faced with different situations and circumstances, thus different perspectives... and like the others i'm writing based on mine. and "backseat" is just an issue on this so-called "chastity" that is *important* to my spirituality, but now my views are changing so much. anyways, all im saying is please keep on writing because i treat reading your pieces as learning. learning (not just in literature) but in love and in life as well.
shhheeesshh........it's sunday 10pm here and i'm still at the office killing myself for deprivation... and i'm taking my 8th cup of coffee starting this afternoon to keep myself awake for more deprivation... aint that crazzy? oh well, gotta earn to what? i dunno anymore. is life just waking up tomorrow to work again and take more and more coffee????

sinneD, thanks for the inspiration, for the poetry and for your love.


From: ZoE
Date: 4 July 1999

Cosette> and you too are my favorite: along with Misti,heartsong,Isolde,Angel,Erica, and Manet (sorry to play favorites guys...you've all got skills and I read everyone's work...not selective...well kinda' am)

From: deevaa backatcha deevaa@paradise.net.nz
Date: 4 July 1999

Heya heya...

Goodness... so much going on in my life I feel like I am missing some bits... and the blender is one of them.

I am at work now, waiting on an urgent job, I hate being the last in the queue sometimes... so much pressure cause everyone is standing about waiting for you... time frames at the end of a project are so much tighter than at the start.

I am gonna read and comment on some of the new subs today however if it kills me....


From: deevaa again-again
Date: 4 July 1999

Heya (again)... I just travelled the New Submissions trail, and as per usual I have my 2¢ worth to say (I am sure it is 2¢ too much).

My dear, funny sweet friend. 'to an almost former lover' gritty is the RIGHT word for it.. but also powerful... and as for 'image'... do you want me to start crying again? hmmm?

Also you are right about 'confusion' he has touched my heart, in a way that no other man can ever do again. The funny thing is (as in funny weird, not funny haha.) that since I asked him to move out, I have had a full on (and well documented here) "Online relationship" for 4mths but it took one "real life" man to show an interest and my heart puts up the sold sign and I run away.

Thankyou also for your comment on 'confusion' (LOL... I think). Like I said earlier it was composed straight into the new subs page, and I didn't realize how raw and personal it was at the time- It got no comments on the board so I was STUNNED when it made front cover, I didn't think any of my stuff this month was worthy, but if I had of picked one for front cover it would have been 'pretty words'.

As your friend and critic I want you to know my opinion is ALWAYS genuine...

Thanks for the hugs, happy holiday (but didn't you just have one?????) and if you get the chance to send that parcel, please check with me on my new address....

Cosette and sinneD:
(hehe.. sorry about lumping ya together.. but ya know). Missed you both.
'A weekend of deprivation' lightblub' and 'angel' oh wow ooh wow...

OMG! I LOVED 'fingerpainting' MORE please!!!!!

and PS...

Shady, if you are still about... 'Dawson's Creek' started here on Friday night... I didn't watch it, but I thought about you!!!!

and Kirk... hehe... I have so many people teasing me about words we use... <giggles> I have a list that I will now add 'amongst' to... Everytime I talk to an American on the phone 90% of the time is spent with poking fun at my accent!! (for Shady again... "six is the number and sex is what you do." hehe.. you have to hear it to understand.)

anyways.. I must have used up all my spare change by now....

<waves and wiggles out for coffee>

the divine miss dee

From: Cosette
Date: 4 July 1999

Hope, "Finger Painting" is really a GRILLer! *winks at sinneD*, hehehe.. LOVED it.

Guppy, I enjoyed your "Peanuts"

Kev, "smile" is wonderful..."image" too, but please don't doubt yourself... you know i am always AMAZED at your works.

Erica, "Surveying" is a very smart and true piece. YOU are REALLY talented.

ZoE, "TV"...wow! I like your style.

Dee, i am also moved by "confusion" that deserves its place on the front page... and we MISS u too!

Crys, are you talking to me with your "Shut Down"???

Good Day to you all!

Cosette =)

From: Cosette
Date: 4 July 1999

Kev, pls don't apologize for putting into a very neat order of words the disarray of my thoughts. i can especially relate to "beach"...

Cosette =)

From: Erica (LadyFebruary@yahoo.com)
Date: 4 July 1999

I go away for the weekend and come back to all kinds of stuff. Kevin: "To an Almost Former Lover" - ditto what everyone said. I loved the switchblade in that poem. And, "Moses..." "Bound" don't apologize for your purge - it seems to be going well for you
Crystevin: "Walk a mile"
Cosette: "Weekend of deprivation" I think it was called - I especially liked the opening lines
SinneD: "Angel" the sleeve being too wet
Guppy: "Peanuts" I'm glad you think that way - I always wonder if I'm reading too much into conversations
Hope: Ditto what everyone said about fingerprints
Be good, all. Thank you Cosette and ZoE for the major compliments...

From: Erica (LadyFebruary@yahoo.com)
Date: 5 July 1999

Cosette: I'm impressed with "Oral Exercise." Chewing on your words until they are liquid is a powerful image.

From: ZoE
Date: 5 July 1999

Cosette> thanks for the compliment :)

From: evahun@gateway.net
Date: 6 July 1999

I can't beleive you just described my most recent most unfortunate relationship - the complicated relationship. I'm having a devil of a time trying to eat or sleep. I've lost 45 lbs. during due to stress...now I'm trying to recover from it by gaining weight. It's slow going. I'm 5'7 and barely 130 lbs. And sleep is no joke either, I think I asverage three hours a night. I always wake up at 7 am (the time we used to wake up together for a yr) I need help, I want to move on with my life but the roses are not red anymore. Please reply if kindly drawn to. much thanks!

From: Cosette
Date: 6 July 1999

Dee, "beautiful morning" is so true. at times i can tell by the way a man mentions a lady's name whether he treats the lady so special. i like it.
Erica, am not quite sure i understand "road trip". i kinda get it like the guy is dead already, correct me if im wrong! but i love the way the plot moves.
Lisa, i liked "because of you"
Seven, "love blood" uhmmm...good.
Guppy, "ex-stacy" is another GRILLer and i like its ending

Thanks Erica for the compliments *smiles*

Cosette =)

From: Angel
Date: 6 July 1999

Congratulations everyone

Hello ,heart

Thank You, Kirk


From: Angel
Date: 6 July 1999

Lisa~ No matter you're my niece...I really liked "I Need to Know" and "Shadow of a Soul."


From: Angel
Date: 6 July 1999

Fourth~ "the end", and the end of this poem is riddled with truth.

Dee~ "beautiful morning",'I have loved a beautiful man, who said my name like it was his . Maybe that was as beautiful as this morning." Ahhhhhh...nice

Erica~ "Road Trip", I liked the rawness in this piece.

SinneD~"angel", beautiful imagery.

Cosette~ "a weekend of deprivation", I sure know that feeling.

Guppy~ "???", *smile* I danced thru the whole darn thing.

ZoE~ "T.V.", 'We laughed like we were making love', I liked this line.

Hope~ "Finger Painting", ooooooohhh *wink*

Crystevin~ "Walk A Mile", Letting go is hard.


From: no one important
Date: 6 July 1999

Kluless:To an Almost Former Lover and Smile

From: ZoE
Date: 6 July 1999

AnGEl> Loved "DISCOURDANCE"...it's intriguing

From: ZoE
Date: 6 July 1999

AnGeL> thanks for the compliment! you are a true poet godess and your compliments make me *blush*.

From: kevin urenda, 4everkluless
Date: 6 July 1999

<ALMOST blushing>

I am truly touched by the affinity shown my writing by this circle of poets and friends.

you know that I want to elicit nothing but sparkles of happiness and mischief from your beautiful eyes.

Thank you so much for what you said... Keep writing, for there are many others who enjoy reading your work as much as I do (it is like we are all in on a wonderful secret). I sypathize with your work schedule, for my sweetie is going to have to start working weekends now for a time as well. I miss her already...
As for the disarray of thoughts, and what order I might lend, with me it is my emotions that are so often in complete disarray. Sometimes my poetry is nothing more than a feeble attempt to find my way through the fog.

thank you for the sentiments you expressed... I appreciate it very much.

And to "no one important"
I beg to differ with such sentiment. EVERYONE who comes here is very important. Thank you for noticing me.


From: Daisy (damt11@aol.com)
Date: 6 July 1999

I was looking for a sweet poem to give to my parents the day that I get married. Can you give me any suggestions?

From: kevin urenda
Date: 6 July 1999


I understand the feelings you expressed in "Complicated Situation," and in my limited experience, I have managed to experience both sides of that particular coin...
I understand what it is to be infatuated with someone who is totally unavailable. It is a hard thing to do, but you may end up having to let her go... She cannot pledge her heart to two people (no one can, really)... unrequited love does hurt, but far less than a good relationship gone bad...


From: deevaa
Date: 6 July 1999

heya heya all...

hmmm.... where to start????

Guppy... (who has been missing off my ICQ for enough days for me to worry....)
'ex-stacy' ...ummm.... hmmmm-mmmmm.... WOW... <blush> MMMmmmm-mmmmm.... I LOVED IT. ummm.. yeah.

Kev.. man I am glad you purged... some GREAT stuff in that bunch!! (and you always make my green eyes smile friend.)

'Love Olympics' <giggles> (LOL.. do I need to say more?)

And thankyou all for the kind words on 'beautiful morning'... two poems kinda merged in my head on the way into work that day!

Take care of your hearts.


From: Erica (LadyFebruary@yahoo.com)
Date: 6 July 1999

Guppy: Ex-Stacy - I think I'm going to echo deevaa here...
Angel: Discordance - I really identify with this right now, the way people build up these weird little resentments so there's no fighting but just a kind of discomfort underneath
Zoe: Cry - wow... "asked me what I put in the box (etc)"

Cosette: Road Trip is not about a dead guy, but I went back and looked at it and can see where you might get that. I've been in a weird mood lately... My boyfriend and I aren't having problems exactly, it just sometimes feels like we're not overlapping or not living in the same world. That's the feeling I was trying to express. Anyway, I don't know about any of it.

Be good everyone.

From: ZoE
Date: 6 July 1999

ErIcA> compliments....thanks *smiles*

From: star69
Date: 6 July 1999

zoe -
cry = great !

From: deevaa being acheeky.
Date: 6 July 1999

<giggle> Erica has he been unlit on YOUR ICQ list too?

From: brentdc
Date: 7 July 1999


A cryptic message I am the coffee man

Thanks for commenting that was my first ever poem

From: Cosette
Date: 7 July 1999

Brentdc, thats confusing and sad and difficult and ahhh...

Fourth, i almost mistook you for sinneD *smiles*... good piece "the end"

Angel, OWW... i LOVED them all... especially "as two..." and "discordance"... and it seems poetry runs in your blood. lisa is great, how old is she?

k3, "the measured..." nice, nice

same, "twister" i agree

kev, thanks for symphatizing with my workload. its so difficult whether you are in this situation or your other half is... but what's important is that both make time to remind the other what is the PRIORITY. and am flattered and so glad to know you enjoy reading my pieces, coming from you those are major! disarray of emotions... yeah i also meant that... see? am not really good at expressing what i want to say *smiles*

erica, OMIGOSH! sorry... but thanks for explaining... kinda felt that before and its somewhat awful coz you dont know where it may lead you

im tired and i should be sleeping.... its july 8 (2am) here but i intentionally waited til this moment to post this comment to make it appear with july 7 because cheers!!!! it's now two months since sinneD and I got steady! and its still feels like yesterday on how elated are we still... and at the same time feeling like two years ago on how deep we are heading. and it all started with "my longest poem" he had guts submitting here *sigh*... Thanks to everyone for the literature... and kirk, this "community" (Kev, borrowed a word from you *smiles*) means a lot to us. THANKS EVERYONE and KEEP POSTING!

Cosette =)

From: ZoE
Date: 7 July 1999

star 69> thanks compliments=yay

From: Angel
Date: 7 July 1999

Hold On To Your Hats Everyone!!!! Thar's a TWISTER blowin' thru here! "There's no place like home, there's no place like home" :-) Nice~Same...


From: Cosette
Date: 7 July 1999

ZoE, "Cry" and "Pale" are SOOOO you.... why do i feel young everytime i read your pieces??? i LOVED them...

Cosette =)

From: Erica (LadyFebruary@yahoo.com)
Date: 7 July 1999

Cosette: "Ex-Files" girl, you are on a roll
ZoE: I'm always glad to see you've put up something new. In "Pale," I especially like the way you compared the situation to 6th grade
Guppy: As always, "untitled" is most effective.

From: Cosette
Date: 7 July 1999

OWWWW... i meant "YOUNGER" ... hehehe.... *winks to everyone feeling YOUNGER too*

From: Angel
Date: 8 July 1999

Kevin~Your talent as a writer clearly shows in ,"Almost a lover", and "Smile"and everything else you've ever written...I really...really enjoyed these :-)

PS: You sing and dance well too, so *SMILE*

someone important

From: ZoE
Date: 8 July 1999

Cosette/Erica> thanks for the compliments! guess I am kinda' young although I've been forced in my situation to be older than I am in age. I guess my writing relects whatever is left of my youth :)

From: Angel
Date: 8 July 1999

Thank you, Erica,ZoE,Dee and Cosette on the compliments on my poems...feedback from friends is always encouraging.

Dee~hehehe...got that sly little twist in "Love Olympics, did you? *Smile* I like to see where my friend's minds are LOL. There is a little bit of devil in "Two go down..." , also *WINK*


From: deevaa
Date: 8 July 1999

LOL... yes yes Angel, I saw noted that one too... I just thought that the one in "Love Olympics" was trickier... I did like them both!

From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 9 July 1999

Just FYI:
I'm thinking about changing webhosts for the Blender.
Arrowweb's been pretty good, but has been *far* too stingy with diskspace- 10 megs is only good for about a year of the Blender Digest at this pace! So I believe I've found a provider who seems to provide the same extras, for about $30 less a year, but with 50 megs- good for another couple years at least.

So not much on the site should change, but there might be a few days when things are flakey. Maybe I'll try to goad myself into adding some improvements I've been thinking of (esp. with the submissions proccess, I'd like to make it more like submitting comments, where returns are changed into HTML, instead of putting everything in PRE tags. This should make prose a lot easier to enter.)

From: kevin urenda
Date: 9 July 1999


You gotta go to the host with the most...
Thanks for letting us eat up your hard-earned (cash)/(cache)/disk space with all we write... (looks around to see if any darts are aimed at me for taking up for everyone)


From: Lisa
Date: 9 July 1999

Thank you Angel and Cossette for your kind remarks.I am a
26 yr old kid Cossette.

From: kate
Date: 9 July 1999

k3 -
I absolutely loved "Whistle Pop"!! I completely relate as, in my opinion, anyone who even has an idea of how to be joyful must be able to laugh hysterically over a mouthful of Pop rocks.

:) kate

From: Erica (LadyFebruary@yahoo.com)
Date: 10 July 1999

star69: I loved "thinking of you" - I think it's excellent to bring the feeling of missing someone into your daily life, like you did in that poem.

From: deevaas been amissin! deevaa@paradise.net.nz
Date: 11 July 1999

heya heya all... I just did the big catch up thing.
WOW. I missed a heap over this past week or so!

Kev -
'Broken in' I thought I was the only one that was like that? You mean to say other people feel the same way?!?
(btw... I wrote a good chunk of a letter to you on Saturday!)

Just me -
'If I could turn back the hands of time'

Guppy -
'Asphalt and me' I loved it... (yeah so whats new I hear you ask??) and babe (((hugs))) take care of your heart sir. Wht you think is NOT true I know it.

ZoE -
*Daisy in me* WOW! (and really? is it true?) Email me if you wanna.


From: sndyconn@raex.com
Date: 11 July 1999

i think that these poems are great , ... all of them they let out all your hopes/fears. I think it is good for someone to get these thoughts off their chest .

Date: 12 July 1999

The poem by 'mo' which is untitled in the current Blender
is part of a DAVE MATTHEWS BAND song and not an original work..give credit where credit is due!!!!!!!

From: ZoE
Date: 12 July 1999

AnGeL>read the gift of love and i started crying...it's so good....guess cause i'm in in a weird phase. my boyfriend took me out for pregnancy tests cause i was sure i was pregnant. hadn't had my period for 2 months and i don't know if i could of handled 2 DeZ's....thank god i got the minus sign *NO MORE BABYS YET*.....got my period today *smiles*
((((dEzZiE kiSsEs ZoE HugS))))

From: ZoE
Date: 12 July 1999

DeEvA> god the tests at home to make sure...and NO...I'm not...no babys but i'm glad you liked the poem :)

From: Misti
Date: 12 July 1999

I am 26 years old and last July 4th was the first 4th of July I spent with someone I was in love with. It was magical. And explosive...

From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 12 July 1999

Misti, congrats on the fourth. Reminds me of an old pickup line a guy thought about using, he was inline for entry into some July 4th concert, saw a woman, thought about saying "come with me, and there will be fireworks..."

Anyone know where the untitled lifted Dave Matthews piece by a "mo" is? I glanced around the obvious places and couldn't find it.

From: Crystevin
Date: 12 July 1999


That piece you're looking for is in "best of" section, Apr 97.


From: Katie Wilson
Date: 13 July 1999

I have been going out with is guy for 6 day's and all he want's to do is have sex!! What should I do??

I really like him and he really like's me too!!

I don't want to break uo with him!

What should I do??????

From: nobody in particular
Date: 13 July 1999


If ALL he wants is sex, what you have with him will never proceed past "like". Don't settle for less than someone who adores YOU.

From: Angel
Date: 13 July 1999

Katie~Seems to me you have already answered your own question. All he wants is sex and that troubles you; therefore, you are not happy in this relationship. Sounds like you are a might bit young also to be having sex(just an observation from your writing) And is SIX days a bit soon to be having sex with someone...unless it is just sex you are looking for? Just a thought...not a put down...something you might ask yourself next time...we all make mistakes. Wish you the best.


From: deevaa's been a working....
Date: 13 July 1999

I made a page for my friend 'the guppy' who I dragged onto the blender last month... (submitted his poetry without permission) In his first month here he got TWO front page picks which Kirk called "chaotic"... he has a rambling humourous look at love..
http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Square/6442/ratty.html (or if you wanna go in the front door http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Square/6442/ and click on the link under "other artists")

(can ya tell I love the guppy man???)

I will be back to comment on new subs later...


From: deevaa deevaa@paradise.net.nz
Date: 13 July 1999

don't know if I ever told anyone here this, but I used to work as a safe sex educator for the NZ AIDS foundation... (a paid position... but I have also been a volunteer there for 7 years... WELL before I started having sex myself.) I would go into schools and prisons teaching about safe sex, how to put condoms on and how to respect ones body and ones SELF.

here is my comment to Katie...

It isn't about how soon is TOO soon to be having sex, it is about how SAFE you feel in the sexual environment... mentally and physically. If you are mentally ready to be having sex then there shouldn't be a problem... its not about when you first have sex with someone.. it is about the safety of your actions.

(My husband MOVED into my HOUSE after 6 days..)

HOWEVER.... if someone is pressuring you to have sex when you are not mentally (or physically) ready, respect YOURSELF enough to say NO.

If the problem is not that you don't WANT to have sex but that if you want to have so MUCH sex as he does.. (and this is how I read your comment...) then be OPEN about it... sex shouldn't be hidden.. it isn't dirty or nasty.. talk about it. Say... hey I like having sex with you... but... damn 5 times a day is TOO much for ME... suggest other things to do...

Remember... if HE doesn't respect YOU enough to wear a condom, he doesn't respect you enough to be IN YOUR BED!

Its your body, its your choice... first choice, only choice. Use protection.

And so ends my emotive rant..

I have posted my email address if anyone wants to comment.


From: Jlor; Jlorenz@saber.net
Date: 13 July 1999

Megaphone: very true, and well done!

From: deevaa (last time today - I promise!)
Date: 13 July 1999

Four short poems in the New Submissions struck me:

'forever' by Teresa
'at dusk' by Kate
'take my breath away' by d (long time no see!)
and 'untitled' by Lizzy

<sigh> I loved them all..

Crys, Zach and the guppy... I also loved your new pieces... (I am trying to keep this short.)

Take care of your hearts.


From: d'leah layne dleh57@hotmail.com
Date: 13 July 1999

you keep hurting me and i hate you for that, but that doesn't stop me from loving you for all the good things you've brought me; the happiness i can honestly claim, the self-acceptance you've taught me, and finally love. you told me i was beautiful, and it melted my iced-over heart.
but sometimes i can feel you slipping, ever so slowly, out of my reach. and you know if you go, my ever-present world of light and goodness goes too. and that scares the shit out of me.i no longer want to frolick with the demons in the fear-inducing, self-degrading darkness. i have tasted happiness and now i'm addicted. so, love, after all this, i'm asking, could you do one thing for me . . . don't ever leave.

*sorry a little bit of a rant to destress me...

From: star69
Date: 13 July 1999

guppy --
i really like reference - it makes for a good story.
my favorite part : the psychic lady calls you. i love it! how's that for irony.

From: star69
Date: 13 July 1999

thanks for yummy comments !

From: Adam: stargazerx@earthlink.net
Date: 13 July 1999

I e-mailed to them, but I just wanted to state that several of the poems submittied by Elizibeth Rogers are wodnerful. I can relate to them so much, and it is like it is almost the same thing going through my head. And after reading some of them they still made em cry, even though the incident happened a year ago. I am only an 18 year old guy from S. CA, but I have had too much experience. I enjoy this page, and am glad it's here. I think maybe I will start submitting to help the page out!

Adam Tomaszewski

From: deevaa - deevaa@paradise.net.nz
Date: 14 July 1999

I have just scrolled back up the board for the past few days and once again it has hit me... I TALK TOO MUCH.... sorry Kirk, I don't mean to fill up your server with my drival.

Two poems on the new subs got me this morning...

Guppy... 'Night in the life'
Last night it only managed a wet half smile... this morning re-reading it it got the full deevaa giggle... <grin> Thankyou!

d... 'Jump'
ohhh LOVING it... you go girl!!!

I know I have shared poetry here about how beautiful the city I live in is... but, this morning I was driving into work, and TK was with me, coming into the city to spend his last day with his dadda before he leaves for Japan.

For a treat (and cause I couldn't get the lock on the backseat to work) I had TK up in the front seat with me... so this morning he was in the seat up front, and as we drove along the harbour's edge TK pointed out the window and said... "Dragon in da wader" ... I said... "no - no dragons" and kept my eyes on the road... then TK began pointing and yelling... "Dragon in da wader!! ... Dragon in da wader!! " So I looked and there in the middle of the harbour was a whale... seemingly just relaxing in the early morning sun. We pulled onto the side and sat looking at the 'Dragon in da wader' ... and it languidly flipped its tail in the air and dove under the water... god... how beautiful is this country of mine??


From: Crystevin
Date: 14 July 1999

Attention blenderites:

Poetry contest with CASH MONEY prizes...check it out.


good luck!


From: jlorenz@saber.net
Date: 14 July 1999

Envy is a nice piece of writing. It is what poetry is all
about: feelings from the heart. I liked it very much because I know I've felt that way at times. I can relate to
it real well.

From: jsedna@customcpu.com
Date: 14 July 1999

I found The Great Fires to be totally engrossing poems dealing with the heart; Jack Gilbert is never shrill; as a reader I felt privileged to enter his heart's inwardness, the spirit's search for truth.

From: The Guppy kingsaladmonkey@hotmail.com
Date: 14 July 1999

sinned...sheeesh...admission...great job...powerful...i'm a little envious..

From: The Guppy kingsaladmonkey@hotmail.com
Date: 14 July 1999

dee...damnit...just hugs...confusion part ii...you just put into 100 words what i knew you were saying after only ten...write me....

From: sinneD
Date: 15 July 1999

opppps. we got carried away. Cosette and I were trading poems tonight, mostly composed on the spot. Please bear with any grammar or spelling errors, i guessed we missed the new subs lately coz we're pretty busy.
I've been reading while it's her turn to write and as always, there are a lot of very good poems, some really caught my attention like kevins "naked truth", crys "rocking chair", dee's "confusion II", guppys "manifest destiny", and "envy" by d.

From: trying to be quiet deevaa
Date: 15 July 1999

heya all... good morning! (Friday here.. yeahhaaa)

I am aware I have had MORE than my fair share of comments on the board this past week... so I am gonna be as short and to the point as I can...

Guppy -
'manifest density' I was truely honestly laughing out loud... most times when I say I giggle, or laugh it is not truely out loud... but I was laughing so hard at this one that my work mates came over to see what I was laughing at...

sinneD and cosette -
hey you two... what a GREAT night you two must have had... some AMAZING stuff was written... I liked 'me too' and 'you too?' the best.

email me.


From: MegAngel (MegAngel21@aol.com)
Date: 15 July 1999

Have to remark on my endless admiration for writers who submit to this site. I just stumbled upon it in my surfing a month ago but already I check the submissions often, feeling myself caught up in the friendships and romances of the contributors though I have never spoken to one of you.

I have only submitted a few pieces and I was soooooooooo excited to see that out of all those wonderful submissions one of my pieces was chosen for the front page. Not worthy of it maybe, but chosen.

When I get an email address better established I will submit more, right now my life is more confused and jumbled than anything I could put into words but after it calms I know there will be wonderful material :)

Keep up the good work and thank you for this site, not only Kirk who launched and maintains it, but to all of you who are contributing your writing and your lives :)

<3 Megs <3

From: ajTong, peaches80302@goplay.com
Date: 15 July 1999

I really like the New-Matic viewer for the new submissions page. I hope it's a keeper.

From: kate
Date: 15 July 1999

"Is this the day" - by just me
"whirlwind weekend" ajTong - how wonderful to know that someone actually craves knowledge of those little things - those are what really count.
"envy" by d - you must have been snooping through my notebooks, I swear. I've been there - so jealous that she'll know him in a way I never will. sigh. life.


From: jlor (jlorenz@saber.net)
Date: 16 July 1999

I really like the New-Matic viewer also. It is much easier to use for seeing the submissions page. I hope you'll keep it going,too.

From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 16 July 1999

Yeah, the new-matic viewer isn't going anywhere (I should take out the text that implies that it is) Actually, I was toying with the idea of making a viewer for the regular Heart on Sleeve corner, but haven't gotten around to it yet. That's what the "experimenting" part is about.

From: Erica Naone (LadyFebruary@yahoo.com)
Date: 16 July 1999

Crystevin: your poem "Madman" reminded me of an incredible story by David Foster Wallace excerpted from what I think is a full length book, "Interviews with Hideous Men." That story gives a lot of insight into the subject you were treating in your poem, and is very disturbing (just a warning). Anyway, it's one of the most memorable stories I've ever read and I highly recommend it.

I'm not caught up on new subs, but hopefully will manage to catch up this weekend. Hope everyone's doing all right.


From: Jenna Holland (poetic_angel@gurlmailcom)
Date: 16 July 1999

Erica- "To Foget" All i can say is wow! that wone hit hard and deep!


From: yourthigh@aol.com
Date: 17 July 1999

Well thanks to every one who has been writing to me about
my dairy ~smile John~ glad you injoy them!
keeps me sane and now you all know you are not alone out there,feeling what your feeling!
hey every one of ya are great I'm hooked here as you can tell *smile keep sharing
Just Me OOHH YYAA Kirk you great!!!!!

From: Crystevin
Date: 17 July 1999


Sounds interesting, i'll check it out. Thank you.


From: Crystevin
Date: 17 July 1999

*stealing time on bubba's computer early in the morn*

some excellent submissions, i started with the latest and am working my way back. A few notable accolades for the following great works:

Kevin-"naked truth" I love the declarative tone after the intro and in the part in the intro, the "responsibility of losing sight" it may have took me forever, but i realized that responsiblity and accepted it, FINALLY! *sigh* oh well, we trek on...

Just L-
"triple word score" is a walk down memory lane with underlying intense emotional awareness.

Zoe-"bitch" like the way it catches a perception but insecurity kills us all when we look too deep in our attempt to understand on our own what the perception is.

Erica- "to forget" Powerfully descriptive and emotionally packed. Loved the alternate title, the imagery, the lingering tone of regret during a reminiscent exercise of the "nature" of man.


From: ZoE
Date: 17 July 1999

Crystevin> thanks for the compliments...he he guess my insecurities showed up in the form of a poem...but yeah I'm livin' *smiles*

From: ZoE
Date: 17 July 1999

Erica> loved "to forget"....something like..."where my hands are my only friends"...good play on words... *smiles*

From: Erica (LadyFebruary@yahoo.com)
Date: 17 July 1999

Zoe, Jenna, and Crystevin - thank you for your compliments on "to forget." Something good had to come out of that night, I guess...

Today, I'll have some time to work on reading new subs. Catch you later.


From: the gupster
Date: 18 July 1999

dee...was just kidding about the too many words thing...never take me seriously...you know that :)

From: jlorenz@saber.net
Date: 18 July 1999

I just realized that one of us is nicknamed Angel.
I really didn't think about this when I wrote the piece
called "Angel". I wrote it a couple years ago after
a breakup with a person who was much like what is described
in my piece. I apologize for any apparent slight to
anyone who reads or contributes to the Love Blender.
It was really not intended to refer to anybody among our
number on this site. Sorry if it looked like it.


From: jlorenz@saber.net
Date: 18 July 1999

I know I've been on here too much, but one more thing:
I probably shouldn't have used the pseudonym "Nulo" . It
was a dishonest attempt to hide my too frequent submissions.
Honesty would have been better, even if embarrassing.

From: Angel
Date: 18 July 1999

jlorenz~ no apology in order...a lot of poems come thru here entitled 'Angel' or with angel as the main theme...I don't have copywrite privledge...*smile* It was a very well written piece BTW and I did see a little bit of me in there (a wee little bit! ;-)


From: deevaa
Date: 18 July 1999

oh pish gupster... I was teasing... (((hugs)))

From: jlorenz@saber.net
Date: 18 July 1999

Angel: thank you for reassuring me on use of that name
in title. People have been really nice at this site and
I like reading the subs of everyone. Didn't mean to just
come crashing in here as a newbie and make any waves.
FYI I wrote 'Angel' because what I saw in my ex-girlfriend
I also see some in me. Isn't that sometimes what makes
us go hackles up as standard human beings: i.e. when I
write about another's foibles, am I not a protesting too
much because I see some things in me that I don't like but point them out only too precisely in her? Anyway, thank you for your kindness and for setting my conscience to rest.*smile*


From: MegAngel25...MegiAngl25@aol.com
Date: 18 July 1999

One of the many who will have to file for a patent on the name Angel it seems...

I have been selfishly scrolling through the new submissions while witholding my own partially out of laziness but mostly out of INTIMIDATION...My props to all of you...Notably to Cosette and sinneD whose poems (esp. "You too?" and "Me too") have come close to making me cry :) and to Kevin U. whose "Naked Truth" hit home and said what I want to say write now much better than I could have said it...many others worth mentioning though I can't go on like this forever...

I am nervously posting a few more *whimper* but I wanted to give you all the recognition you deserve...

From: Jlor
Date: 18 July 1999

Megs--I'm glad you posted your poems. How could you feel
intimidated about submitting them? Thank you for taking
the chance to share these. I would die to have someone
as sweet as that in my life. I like what you wrote
and, as Crystevin said, you write in a way no one else
does or can.

From: Erica (LadyFebruary@yahoo.com)
Date: 18 July 1999

I finally caught up today. Here are the poems that moved me most:
Guppy: reference (I love the psychic and the sink), night in the life, manifest destiny, memorandum, nodding & smiling
Zoe: Sunday, pink eyelashes, lipstick hush
Zach: Mandy
Angel: slip slidin' away, Goodbye! Go!
d: take my breath away, envy
kate: at dusk
deevaa: the confusion sequels
sinned: admission
kevin: naked truth
cosette: resume
aJ: anticipation - "arms flailing in a story's translation" is an excellent line
~L~: turning
Megs: osmosis

I've enjoyed reading all your work. Be good

From: kakasweetdream@mailcity.com
Date: 18 July 1999

May I bring my heart before you
so you may touch it and feel it
Never once in my life,
Has my heart beaten so fast
that not even wind can catch up with it
If I have not mention to you how I love you
That is only because I shivers too much from the coldness you left behind from your past life
I love you too much that I may not use my mouth to speak
as I glazed into your eyes, all I see was the image of mine
For this life, I have the luck to be your desire

From: Angel
Date: 19 July 1999

I am WAY behind guys...but here goes something:

ZoE~"Daisy In Me"...alot of deep thoughts for someone so young! And Zoe, you always amaze me with your unique and fitting titles.

Melanie~ "Missing Him", This one is short and very moving.

Rennie~"Quandry", I have always been fascinated by how the heart and mind work together, sometimes to balance and oftentimes to compete in a game of tug-o-war when it came to love and romance. This is a nice short piece on the subject.

Jeni~"I thought you were everything",'I guess you are not all I thought.'...need I say more? Also liked, "Loved and Broken"

Guppy~"Aspault and Me" , 'cept that my reflection is throwing me an uppercut' also ,'cept that my self proclaimed soulmate has made malt-o-meal out of my dignity!' SUPER terrific lines!
"reference", WOW! You had me laughing and crying all at the same time...'creepy psychic lady', hahaha
"night in the life..." LMAO...I'm dying here!

Meow~"The insides of my eyelids", very descriptive piece on yearning...nice rhythm too...flows well.

Zach~"Mandy", this is a very short and sweet prose piece.

Crystevin~"Rocking Chair", I really liked this one a lot...so much wisdom in this message and very well written.

d~"take my breath away", I liked the way this one sounded too, d...

Kevin~"Naked Truth", nothing like being 'naked' and 'true' all at the same time...*smile* nice work , Kevin.

Erica~ "Forget", I did skip down to read this piece because of the many comments on here about it and I must say, VERY Powerful...

Ok, that is all for now because I am tired and hungry and have work to do :-) Will pick up where I left off soon...I gotta get caught up! Keep loving and writing!



From: Loose Change
Date: 19 July 1999

You know...it's true. There is an all encompassing air of wonderous energy that abounds you. Upon meeting you, it's obvious. Upon knowing you, it's undeniable. The problem is knowing what to call it or how to describe it. It's crushingly gorgeous and a mind-blowingly myterious. How can a person have a quality that is so evasive, so fantastic, so unlike anything else around? Sometimes the questions are not important. What matters is that you got it: love, magic, beauty, a pure heart...... You have jewels in your chest and sparks fly out your head. It's true.

From: d
Date: 19 July 1999

its amazing.. every time i come back to the blender and post something, someone says something nice about me on the board..

you guys just made my monday..

(btw.. the talent on this page keeps getting more and more impressive.. we should band together and publish a book or something!)

- d (not be be confused with dee :)

From: ZoE
Date: 19 July 1999

Thanks ErIca aNd AnGEl for your compliments!
Um...I'm having a freaked out time, because although my pregnancy tests were negative it was ,because I'd beeen pregnant for 3 months unknowing and had a misscarraige which is still taking it's toll. I am feeling so bad about it.

From: ZoE
Date: 19 July 1999

Megs> loved the comparisons and stark feeling of "last evening". It was both prosy and dark.
-ZoE :)

From: Just L bumgardnerl@lanecc.edu
Date: 19 July 1999

Thank you for noting my work. It warms my heart on this otherwise, depressing - though outwardly wondermously beautiful - Monday. That is probably why, your "Wonderment
of Hell" speaks so clearly to me today. Thanks again.

Date: 19 July 1999

The "DON" is lightly veiled Jaffe--sounds like your wannabe life; btw how IS it going?????????? womin (barbiedolls) falling all over u; that green patch you are searching for is right in your own front yard--take care of it :)

Date: 19 July 1999

oh yeah, i loved your little planet story, but then i am the ultimate romantic afterall.

Date: 19 July 1999

oh yeah, i loved your little planet story, but then i am the ultimate romantic afterall.

Date: 19 July 1999

in my humble opinion (as a womyn of some discernment) ya need to write in the "jewish idiom" it suits you...one of the best pieces you did was about the jew and the poisened wells--very well written--i loved it!!!!!!!!

Date: 19 July 1999

re the love letter; i've seen that picture before and i love it-i could look at it forever--nice that you should have included it; and ah, saying i love you in one language is enuff; just say it often--i like reassurance :)

From: ajTong, peach80302@goplay.com
Date: 19 July 1999

Thank you so much to those who have given me so gracious compliments on my new submissions. I hadn't been here in awhile (I used a few different names before) but I once again have inspiration to write about things that aren't depressing. There are still several at home that should be crumpled up but I may just pillage some lines to create better ones. Anyway, if anyone is curious I'm visiting my muse in 10days. :-)

From: kim THREEESUM@hotmail.com
Date: 19 July 1999

i think that you page is wonderful i just throught i would tell you and i have a saying that i would love to leave with you... Love is heaven and heaven is hell. well gotta go goodluck kim

From: deevaa [deevaa@paradise.net.nz]
Date: 19 July 1999

hehehe.... heya all... its dee not to be confused with d.

argh... d... I so very very much LOVED 'jump' and 'envy' .... I just wish that someone WOULD confuse us... I just wish I wrote them both!!!

H ... I hear you man...

ME... ohhhh... 'dreaming' (damn I hope thats the right name!!!) hot hot hot... *grin*

(please feel free to confuse me with d ... *cheeky grin*)

From: Angel
Date: 19 July 1999


From: ~ L ~
Date: 19 July 1999

after reading "dreaming" i almost cried, it so perfectly described how i feel every single night...

From: Megs
Date: 20 July 1999

Zoe- Thanks for the compliment. It was a very dark night (guess you have to have those before you can get the dark prose *sigh*)

With all the confusion in my love life I should turn out some appallingly "purging" pieces in the next few days. Its one of those petal-picking "He loves me. He loves me not." times...

From: ZoE
Date: 20 July 1999

Megs> keep it up...love to read your heart on paper...so to speak!
AnGeL> what would I do without a friend like you? :)
-ZoE w/ little DeZzIe kISsEs

From: jlor jlorenz@saber.net
Date: 20 July 1999

SinneD: faith in love...You're right: it's easy to forget
that we can be side tracked by the disappointments and
forget how sweet and beautiful love is: how everything
around us takes on the excitement of the love we feel and our world is colored by wonderment in even the little things that we ignored before but now see love everywhere.

From: Jlor
Date: 20 July 1999

aj: "Ten Weddings in One Year" Intense
imagery, consise appraisal of some of the suckier times in
life with feelings like: "Where am I in the scheme of it?"
BTW you aren't the only one of us to wonder about that, however the way you said it is right to the point and
hits the target nicely.

Keep sending in.

From: me OR jUST M E yourthigh@aol.com
Date: 20 July 1999

Thanks every one for enjoying Dreaming (I also enjoyed writing that one~SMILE~ sweet Bliss I must say!
you are fun to hang out with on the blender!
I love to share feelings good or bad ,keep writing

~L~ Know what you are going thru 20 years for and still going strong-(they tell me this to will pass,how long?*smile

Dee, yes this is Just Me used Me for a reason ~smile ~ John
and Hot tell me *giggle*thats why I remember so well its eched in me !

From: just me
Date: 20 July 1999

sinneD RELIVE yea you got it going on ! great
wish I did it
Just me

From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 20 July 1999

Hey, Biggish News!

I'm looking for some volunteer testers to crawl over the ne future home of the 'Blender. Looking for broken links, scripts that don't work, etc.

The new temporary URL is

If you do decide to help me out, please pay attention the folowing:

-anything submitted to the fake URL is going to be erased, but people should still try submitting a few test works
-please use the new site's comments board for bug reports; you can be in on the semi-inner-circle of testers, and that's where we'll meet.
-click like crazy, check out past months, make sure I don't forget to carry stuff over.

Good luck, and thanks in advance for any help...

From: Erica (LadyFebruary@yahoo.com)
Date: 20 July 1999

Thank you for the compliment, Angel.

ZoE, I'm so sorry. If you want to email me about it, feel free. As you know, I had a miscarriage myself a few years ago.

Be well


From: Angel
Date: 20 July 1999

Kirk~ I have been to the new pages and have been clicking like mad...seems you have done a pretty good job, I used the submission page and the comment board and they both worked fine (with the exception of the newmatic viewer, it was still linked here) Anyway, I will continue to search the archives. WHile searching , I came across a digest where you made a note of 50 subs that month...*smile* Did you know that there were right at 450 last month? YEP! I sat here and counted them...lol DAMN, at that rate...what in the heck are you gonna do when the subs exceed what you can possibly read in a month? The Blender has really seen a tremendous increase in submissions just since I arrived in Oct. of last year. I know I enjoy reading and commenting on ALL the works, but I have found it increasingly harder to keep up...was just curious if you had any thoughts on this. I know you must view this with mixed emotion...pleased that the Blender has done so well, yet saddened that it may grow out of its charm: too large for you, alone, to handle. Just a few thoughts.


From: Erica (LadyFebruary@yahoo.com)
Date: 20 July 1999

ZoE - I like Reincarnation and Coming Back.
Everyone else, it looks like I have to catch up again after doing it on Sunday. Have faith.

From: Angel
Date: 20 July 1999

I've been a busy little bee this evening:

SinneD~,"Come In", but sometimes we can reveal to much of ourselves...me thinks ;-)

Cosette~"resume", Oh Cosette, I really loved those last two lines...'i realized lonliness comes when i cure pain with nothing', so true! 'and stargazing is easy with the telescope your hand is holding' <sigh>

~L~"Turning",Having been 'spun' a few times myself, I can really appreciate this piece.

Jlor~"Angel", I believe I remarked once on this piece already...hmmm, perhaps a 'wee bit' more than I first thought.

Megs~"Osmosis", Absorbtion/love....yes!

starcosmo~"Horizon", WOW! This is GREAT! So much impact with so few words! I really really loved it! :-)

HerberitoRuiz~ "Untitled", a teardrop as 'the story of love', how poignant.

Great reading session tonight


From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 20 July 1999

Angel- you bring up some very good points. I've stopped actively promoting the Blender (which probably means I should get rid of that one "Vote for the Blender" link on the frontpage) and have been letting it coast. The growth rate is still pretty manageable, especially my personal revamp of the NewMatic viewer that lets be easily keep track of strong front page pick canidates.

You raise a good issue of what happens when the site gets "too big". There's also the chance that someday I'll decide I don't want to give as much personal attention to the Blender on a monthly basis as I do now. (Don't worry, this isn't a prediction or anything.) Most ideas for a "next step" involve getting people involved in the poem selection process. The spectrum of possibilities include:

-Just a flat monthly "Heart on Sleeve" corner. I don't like this idea, I think it's already done on other sites like "www.lovepoems.com" (Heh- "lovepoems.com" doesn't work without the "www") and frankly, it has a "factory produced" feel that I'd like to avoid.

-Have everyone vote, and the biggest vote getters are the front page picks. While very democratic, most systems like this are open to abuse.

-Have an "inner circle", originally picked from the regulars on the Blender Board, who have their own private discussion place and voting gallery. This approach is a little elitest perhaps, but hey, so is the current Blender. Ideally, this inner circle would someday be able to get the Review or Ramble/top quote/Front Page Pick comments / misc commentary together as well. The circle members would be encouraged to keep up feedback to artists on the Blender Board (not the private forum) and would be allowed to pick new members.

ANYWAY, I see most of these scenarios as being a long way off. They all would require a lot of technical work to start with, and besides, I'm pretty content with where the Blender is right now. (Figurately, not literally- that's why I'm moving it to a new IP address ;-)

From: kevin urenda, klulessness_gone_awry
Date: 20 July 1999


Seems like the new URL will load faster (sometimes the regular page loads at a snail's pace, but then maybe that is a product of high traffic near my connection, wherever that may happen to be...). Hope you are coping well with the impending switch. Let me AGAIN give you the most deeply heartfelt thanks for everything you have done to enrich my life and the lives of the other Blenderites...


From: Jlorenz@saber.net
Date: 21 July 1999

Kirk: I want to second Kevin's (and I'm sure all the
other Blenderites would too) thank you for keeping the Love
Blender going and in doing a tasteful and very competent
job organizing and moderating it. A lot of us are grateful
for the chance to put out things we've written to share with
others. I've enjoyed everyone's subs and comments.

Thanks for all the work you put into this.


From: Rennie Lorca - Lorca@bigfoot.com
Date: 21 July 1999

Dear Angel,

Thank you for your comment about QUANDARY. I wrote it while I was trying to decide on keeping or tearing out a large piece of my heart. I have been dealing with someone who said he wanted to be my soulmate...except he did not quite understand the concept. I have gone a year of trying to tip-toe around this...hoping I might have missed something and been wrong. It has made a difference in what I did and did not post for a year. And yet, there is relief now. Once again, my heart is not looking, but it is also not carrying such a terrible weight with indecision. Thank you, Angel, for taking the time to consider what I was trying to say. Somehow, I almost feel I made the right decision. No matter, my heart will come back and remind me later....it always does............Rennie

From: ZoE
Date: 21 July 1999

ErIcA> thanks for the compliments...i'm managing but it's hard. i feel so bad about the little life inside of me that died.

From: ZoE
Date: 21 July 1999

I just jumped in to the new submissions and wow you are so good to me. I feel pretty shitty. Dez is always askin'.."mommy what's wrong." I'm such a baby.

From: Megs
Date: 21 July 1999

To Kirk first...I am a relatively new submitter (if this is a word?) and on a whim submitted a few pieces last month (one of which-to my astonishment-you selected for your front page)...this gave me the courage to submit a few more and even started me on a writing kick that shows no signs of stopping...but enough personal revelation...I have to thank you...while everyone is evaluating the site and all...for giving me a place for my writing and even occasionally a place for others to compliment it (or criticize as the case may be)...I hope it remains manageable. It has helped me enormously.


From: Megs
Date: 21 July 1999

To Angel...thank you for your mention of my piece...it means a lot coming from you whose writing I admire so much...


From: kevin urenda
Date: 21 July 1999


Thank you for "Tears in Advance."
I rather do feel like I am on the outside looking in (around here as well as with the women in my life) - early and often... But you have illumined a dark corner that I have always wondered about (and was way too afraid to ask, as I came along way after the fact). On behalf of the both of us (although she will never know that I think about it), thank you... in advance...


From: Kirk, Blender-Keeper
Date: 21 July 1999

Ok, I don't think we need too much more link testing.

Look for a shift to the new site in a couple days. Once I send in the "change DNS" fax, there will be a couple days of flakiness. What I'm going to do is leave a message on the "old" location, saying "you shouldn't be seeing this, if you want to submit a comment or poetry then come on over to this IP address otherwise your work will probably be left behind"

From: Angel
Date: 21 July 1999

Shaylo~"Sparkhead", I was pleased to see this one put on the submission page...I read it first on the board and thought I might tell you I would hate to see it overlooked. I loved the endearing admiration shown in it. :-)


From: Angel
Date: 21 July 1999

Kevin~ "One small step man can never take"

Dee~ "The phone call"

One good thing about the many friendships on here is that so much more is gathered from the words of those you truly know...these two poems coming from two hearts I have come to know encompossess that thought.


From: Angel
Date: 21 July 1999

Thank You Megs and Rennie...

And thanks for your thoughts, Kirk...didn't want to push a panic button...was just curious :-) And I third Kevin's remarks on the wonderful job you are doing with the Blender...I hope to enjoy it for years...


From: Elizabeth (er_now@yahoo.com)
Date: 22 July 1999

I love the site... and wanted to make an offering:

london bridge never fell like this

no apple, red and ripe
no child, troublesome or tremulous

no aero-plane
no maple leaf

no dow jones average

but i fall
so happily
with just your hushed 'hey.'

From: Colleen Shea
Date: 22 July 1999

I would like to submit a poem to the Blender website and was curious as to how to do so. Please contact me at ctshea@usa.net

From: ZoE
Date: 22 July 1999

Collen> all you do to submit a piece is go to the submissions page and then at the bottom click on the submit a comment or poem icon. from there click on the submit a poem and then fill everything out and submit that and your there.

From: sonkyst
Date: 22 July 1999

Hi all!! Just wanted to pop in. I have been completely unmotivated to write lately, and far too busy to check out what you all are doing. I've missed you. Can't wait to catch up and start writing again. I've got a long weekend away, so maybe I can get my pen moving...


From: star69
Date: 22 July 1999

re: the phone call - at first i thought it was confusion iv as in 'intravenous' and i thought it was such a cool immage with the phone wire connecting into you, kinda feeding you ... i realize now that it's roman numeral 4 in the series, but i thought you'd be interested in my first impression. and of course it's just a great piece, too. :)

From: deevaa
Date: 22 July 1999

star69 -
what a great image!! When I read your comment I pictured a women with a telephone cord curling into her chest/heart and the receiver attached to her ear!!! WOW... gonna paint something!!!



From: giggling deevaa .... deevaa@paradise.net.nz
Date: 22 July 1999

<grinning real big>
hey ZoE.. I just read something by you (and I don't remember what it was called ... sorry) but there was a line in there about him standing in a line at a fruit store to by kiwi ...
and as a kiwi this has me totally cracking up!!!

(OK shall I explain???)

In New Zealand we have a native bird called a Kiwi and New Zealander use it as a symbol of national pride... for example we call ourselves 'kiwis' the same way as say a South African might refer to themselves as a 'springbok'.

(if anyone was to ask I might say I was a kiwi chick for example)

A kiwi is small and brown and has short fuzzy feathers... which is why the kiwi fruit was named after it.(they also have a very long beak and big feet and useless wings...they are nocturnal and ground dwelling.) Over here we only ever call the fruit 'kiwi-fruit' never just kiwi... as a kiwi is the bird!

sooooooo... I have this mental picture of someone lining up to buy either a bird or a native New Zealander!!!

<giggling> oh ok.... so it probably just doesn't seem as funny to you guys... but I am about to fall off my chair!

If you want to see a kiwi check this site out.... http://www.kiwi-wildlife.co.nz

From: crystevin
Date: 22 July 1999


You're killing me..LOL..*smooches* Kiwi fruitcake..*wink* LOL


From: deevaa
Date: 22 July 1999

OK... so you guys just think I am insane... <giggling>
hey and Crys... love ya!

From: Angel
Date: 22 July 1999

IV phone lines! Kiwi people! Nawwwwwwwww no crazy folks here! hehehe
Hey WHEN did the party start and WHY was I not invited???


From: deevaa
Date: 23 July 1999

angel.. they are kiwi birds!

From: crystevin@myself.com
Date: 23 July 1999

*still on the road and rumbling as i steal net time from wherever i can get it..* *G*

Whatever your long term vision is for loveblender, i'm certain it will remain the steadfast poetic outlet shared by many of us for years to come. I agree about hating to see it become like some of those other sites and i think you are on target with your goals in the years to come. I for one hope that i'm still around to share in the overall experience throughout any changes you make. Also would be willing to assist in anyway i can to relieve you of some of the burden however you think i can be helpful.

I offer my humble apology on my lack of commentary on the fabulous works i read often. I am consistently amazed at the growth process and the honing of your skills every month. I've had a very turmultuous few months in my personal life and i'm afraid it's not going to get better anytime soon. However, I do read as much as i can, when i can, and want you all to know, i'm honored to be a part of this website, not only artistically, but socially as well. When i get home from these recent travels, i'll spend more time writing some honest and thoughtful commentary on the many works you are all submitting. Until then, i heard this great quote the other day i will share..."may the best of your past, be comparable to the worst of your future".


From: kevin urenda
Date: 23 July 1999


Don't sweat it, friend. I have been beyond remiss myself with commentary about a few of the works here that have been wired directly to my heart (*winking at that Kiwi fruitcake with extra nuts*)... I apologize to all... Will strive to do better.


From: Angel
Date: 23 July 1999

Dee, YEP know that...but you said you were a kiwi...and you are a 'People'not a bird...aka. kiwi person :-)


From: ZoE
Date: 23 July 1999

DeEvA. he he...kiwi girl: I totally didn't realize my analogy....he he...now that I think of it it must be pretty ha ha....lol
< :~ <----check out my KiWi BIrD

From: Angel
Date: 23 July 1999

"River:I need to be paddled", very moving ,Jlor.

From: Jlorenz@saber.net (alias spacehog)
Date: 23 July 1999

Angel: masks
Jennifer: misty
Just me: her beloved: It's hard to give away your baby
I've never had children, so don't know but can
feel the emotion in Mom. Nice.
Dream Angel: What would you do if I said I loved you?
Very sweet/sad, and nice descriptions: touching)
Jennifer: Misty (can't read that and not be mad and cry
at same time)
Angel: Masks : I like how you paint pictures and make
emotional point at same time)
Kevin: Your portraying your love in metaphor of city:
Never thought of it. Nice images and metaphor

There are so many really nice ones in here. When I can I go over and reread them from the start of the month and always
see things I missed on first reading). You guys are cutting
Kirk's work out for him in even having to decide what to do.

From: Angel
Date: 24 July 1999

Starcasmo~ WOW! Once again..."Stormy", was electrifying!!!


From: Starcasmo@aol.com
Date: 24 July 1999


Thank you so much for your comments! Believe it or not i was just checking this comment section out and considering commenting on how your peice "Goodbye, Go" really hit home. I can't believe how much great stuff is here to read!
I also really loved "Discordance"--again i could totally relate and it had a tone to it that just made me laugh at how much i could relate!

From: Jaysi bluemushroom69@yahoo.com
Date: 24 July 1999

i like to see more "i like you" poems and "sorry" poems to guys and girls. thanks.

From: Jaysi bluemushroom69@yahoo.com
Date: 24 July 1999

i like to see more "i like you" poems and "sorry" poems to guys and girls. thanks.

From: Erica (LadyFebruary@yahoo.com)
Date: 24 July 1999

Kevin - I really appreciate you commenting on "Tears in Advance." I found what you had to say very touching - it made me feel I did the right thing submitting it.


From: jlorenz@saber.net
Date: 24 July 1999

Angel: as usual hit the mark. I was thinking about my
own life and instead of a pity party I should consider
my life as 'untended': for if it were tended I wouldn't be
envying others' happiness. You make a very good point and
it just gave me a picture of what I've done to myself.
It's time I started pruning and taking care even of the
wild part that's left. Might be able to salvage some of it.
Second remarks on Starcasmo's piece. I almost shouldn't comment on things because I leave out others who have also
been gratifying to read and think about.

From: yourthigh@aol.com
Date: 24 July 1999

Untended~~~~~~~~~WoW did that open my eyes!
so thats what happened to me!!!!!SMILE
you painted a picture .
all you guys and ladies are great!

Just Me

From: Jlor jlorenz@saber.net
Date: 24 July 1999

Forgive me for too many comments, I just had to say
something about ZoE's last two poems:"I am" and "Forever".
Wow your pain got me emotionally. Really got to me.

From: Cosette
Date: 25 July 1999

HEY...HEY PEOPLE! slow down.... i've been trying to catch up with the new subs and i cant seem to because in as much as i would want to comment on all the commendable pieces, im afraid i would end up occupying the whole blender board page...space is so precious...and time is of the essence...
I am SPEAKING ALSO IN BEHALF OF SINNED...who shares the same opinion with me..... WE are so pleased with the increasing number of new Blenderites who hang around to fill our hearts with verses and rhymes it's like a browsing thru age-old diaries especially on those heartaches and hardships we encountered during our past relationships. sinneD and I both admire and almost envy the genius that has been communicated thru this community and we strongly believe more than ever that the best romantic poetry/music/prose ever written are the ones resulting from heartaches, complexities and consequential madness. also, we wont forget to mention those happy-tuned pieces that make us dream and strive more to make this relationship work.
fellows, i wont mention the specific pieces that captured our hearts... but rather the authors who never cease to strum and pluck our heartstrings... so generous for sharing their experiences... Kev, Crys, Erica, Star69, ZoE, Deevaa, Gupster, Angel, d, Just Me, AJTong, Megs, Just L, jlor (i hope i didnt miss someone) and to all the others, though I personally don't know how much time you spend on writing, but please submit more often. I noted many writers around here with a piece or two but they never know how all these pieces seem to be talking directly to me when sometimes i am groping for words to untangle the messed-up strands of my heart and mind. thanks so much for complimenting on our lame but heartfelt pieces.
Kirk, yes, although technically, there may be a lot of enhancements that can be made to the LoveBlender, i still HONESTLY say that your efforts for raising and maintaining this is EXCELLENT! i recall myself having suggested a few things for the Blender, but now i contradict myself because i LOVE the way it runs right now. although with solely you personally reviewing all the good pieces monthly may be too heavy as time passes, but the idea of us voting for favorite pieces for monthly front page picks may not be as exciting and unbiased as it is right now. nevertheless, sinneD and I will always be around and supporting the Blender at its every purpose and endeavor.

Thanks everyone for the experience. *smiles*

From: Just Me
Date: 25 July 1999

Zoe~~~~great Im sticking with Jlor on your last two!
touched my heart in alot of way!!!!!! living that now myself!

Date: 25 July 1999

Cosette & SinneD
THANKS~~~ and you both touch or hearts !!!!!!
your courtship on the blender is amazing!!!!!
Im from Seattle and as the saying here goes

Just Me

From: ZoE
Date: 25 July 1999

Jlor and Just me> thanks for your compliments on my poems...very nice of you :)

From: deevaa just checking in...
Date: 25 July 1999

heya all... kiwi chick just checking in.

Kev... Loved all of them ones in the purge...I just emailed you... hotmail I think... go check it. (No.. NOW Kev.)

Have some thoughts buzzing for some creativity to come gushing out real soon.. maybe poetry, maybe painting.. not sure yet.


From: deevaa
Date: 25 July 1999

star69.... I have just searched the blender for your email address and haven't managed to find it.. I have completed a working sketch of "phone IV" what I wanted to email you a scan off.... my email is deevaa@paradise.net.nz if you would like to see it.
Other wise I will try and upload it to my site this afternoon and post the URL here.


From: star69
Date: 25 July 1999

deevaa (and anyone else who is interested) --
you can email me at : kumquat131@hotmail.com
i'd love to see what you've painted !!

From: star69
Date: 25 July 1999

and oh,
to all blenderites,
are we going to have another optional word-theme to write on this month ?
i must admit i was very intrigued by all the heartbeat poems from june ...
right on to whomever had the original idea.

From: deevaa
Date: 26 July 1999

heya all.... if you are keen to check out my working sketch of star69's idea of a phone IV. It is only a rough sketch I did at lunch time at work.. so don't expect too much! http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Square/6442/phone-IV.jpg

From: Jessica
Date: 26 July 1999

I wish I only knew how people fall out of love but even greater how in the hell do we fall in love.....!!!!

ps. I will always love you uncondionally =o)

From: ajTong, peach80302@goplay.com
Date: 26 July 1999


I really liked your 'River' poem. It creates very vivid images. Very well put.

On a side note, the title made me think it was going to be dirty! I guess I know where MY mind is.


From: jlor jlorenz@saber.net
Date: 26 July 1999

a.j.~ Thank you for the compliment on "River" piece:
It occured to me that it could be taken that way and
after I sent it in (meaning I should be paddled for
pity party) and I thought "oh no, they're going to think
I'm some kind of nut". Anyway, thank you and I've been
enjoying your writing (and everyone's) who've been
submitting. The Blender dwellers are an interesting
assemblage of readers and I get a lot of things to think
about out of this site.

From: deevaa deevaa DEEVAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Date: 26 July 1999

hehehe... too much mocha again! <giggles as she sees the gupster dash off> I was talking to him last night and had drunk far too much mocha and I think he thinks I am insane now....

Star69 inspired a painting with the phone-IV thing, and I want to issue an invitaion to write something to go with it... I have submitted mine already... when the real painting is finished I will post them all together on my site.


From: deevaa
Date: 26 July 1999

ANGEL... your heart is on the line!! what a great idea!!!


From: jlor jlorenz@saber.net
Date: 27 July 1999

I wanted to say goodbye to everyone. I'm am leaving the
blender because I seem to be in a negative time of my
life and fear that it might become a nuisance or an
obstacle to romance as so finely expressed by all you
who are actually living it and writing so descriptively
about your experience. I am not really in a proper mode
of life to be able to contribute edifying material to this
site and have been noticing an increasing tendency to
negativity in my behavior and writing. That should have no
place here. So,thanks to all for the time spent with you.
You are a great community and there is a lot of talent
here. Thanks to Kirk for all the space he's allowed us to
have on the comments board and the submissions page. Probably made it hard on storage capacity of the equipment.
Thank you again to all the Blenderites. I've grown to
feel like family in only a short time. Keep writing!

From: Angel
Date: 27 July 1999

Dee~ *smile* thanks chickee...I had the idea, just couldn't process it well at this time...maybe others can take the ball and roll out a better one...LOVED the sketch BTW :-)

Jlor aka Anonymous(Jack?)~ Sorry to hear you are leaving...you are very talented.

Heart~You are missed!

Shady~ welcome back! :-)

Kevin~GREAT purge!


From: courtnei prevost
Date: 27 July 1999

if love is so beautful,
then why am i crying?
the words you say leave
me dying.you turned your
back once and a again, but
the love in my heart keeps
me trying.

From: pleading green eyes... ( aka deevaa)
Date: 27 July 1999

I know this isn't love related.... and I am sorry... but I am in a bind.

I am trying to organise my trip to the USA at the moment... and I have found out that booking domestic USA fares from here is ALOT more expensive than if I was to book them from in the USA.

So what I intend doing is waiting until I fly into LA and then book all my internal travel from there.
My problem is that I am trying to work out how much money I am going to need... I have tried searching the web for fares (ie at farefinder, amtrak and fodors) but every price that I have managed to find is a return price.
I am not going return!! I am a ONE WAY girl!

Is there anyone at the blender who would be willing to find out some airfares for me??? please?

I can give you approx dates of travel and the destinations via email if anyone is willing to do it for me...

I am NOT asking anyone to book the tickets for me... nothing like that.. all I want to know is an approx price so that I can make a budget.

PLEASE email me if you can help. deevaa@paradise.net.nz


From: ajTong, peach80302
Date: 28 July 1999

I used to only have inspiration to write when romance was troubled or I was depressed. It's nice to have positive inspiration for once and to attempt to express it in words.

Just felt like sharing that.

ajT + dQ ;-)

From: Coko Chanel Coko_Chanel@yahoo.com
Date: 28 July 1999

Hi you guys!!
I'm new in here as you know. I wrote 4 poems back in May I think it was or April. Anyway, I want to become apart of the family. GIVE ME SOME INSPIRATION TO LIFT MY WINGS AND...WRITE :-)
Anyway, I enjoy your poems. Hope you enjoyed mine.

Deeva - I've seen your name in here alot. Are you the poem Queen or something? :-)
I come off and on in here and I always see Deeva's name. Girl, you are faithful to the Blender page!! :-)

From: ajTong, peach80302
Date: 28 July 1999

deeva, dee, star69: I love the whole telephone-IV thang going on here. Long distance love should be this month's theme!

jlor: I'm so glad you decided to not leave. Heartache belongs here as much as the mushy stuff.

cosette & sinneD: your poetic banter always makes me smile.

Kudos to all. Always a pleasure.


From: deevaa <grin> 'the poem QUEEN'
Date: 28 July 1999

<blush> thankyou Coko for the new name!! I think I just talk to much and have more spare time than anyone else... (even though I have been kinda busy lately.)

lollipops & gumdrops... I liked it ALOT... I liked the line about a blanket burrito!

the gupster
mister by that much... yeah... I hear you!
come here.... (((huggles&snuggles))) OK stop blushing!

ALL the phone IV's are great... so many great ideas... I must finish off the painting now!


From: kevin urenda
Date: 28 July 1999

Hey green-eyes!
<a.k.a. Deevaa, a.k.a. Poem Queen, a.k.a. Notorious G.I.G.gler>

Hope my travel info helps you!

Hope your travel is safe!


From: Angel
Date: 28 July 1999

Aj~"lollipops and gumdrops", How cute! :-)

Kevin and ZoE~ Loved both of you TV IV'S


From: Angel
Date: 28 July 1999

errrrrr ....Ummmmm Telephone IV's not TV Iv's ...to quote Pooh," Oh, Bother, its gonna be another blustery day"


From: the aka girl aka deevaa
Date: 28 July 1999

my dear sweet Kev... your help was WONDERFUL... (also thanks to Just ME who found some stuff out for me)...
because of that HUGE airfare to Pittsburgh I trekked down to the travel agent to find a solution and during the search there we found an airpass valid between any two states in the USA for just $325 NZD (thats only about $180 USD) which is far cheaper than ANY airfare that I am considering ... (bar LA - San Jose) ... so rather than worry about finding any more fares I am just going to purchase one (hmm or maybe two..) of those and then go via amtrak the rest...

and kev.. I am still laughing at your suggestion that *I* hire a car...you guys drive on the wrong side of the road and the steering wheels are on the wrong side of the car...<giggling and running out the door before kev can catch her>


From: ZoE
Date: 28 July 1999

Thanks AnGel aaaaaaaahhhhhh WEDDING IN A MONTH...*no cold feet 4 ZoE*

From: ZoE
Date: 28 July 1999

KeViN> loved your telephone IV...the junkie metaphor you made..very powerful
-ZoE :)

From: alliey prevost
Date: 28 July 1999

hello, i would like to get a hold of "just me" i think he is a really good poem writer so if you would please get me his e-mail address that would be gr-8 thanks
(misslove_able@yahoo.com) alliey

Date: 29 July 1999

This stuff is the wierdest poetry I have ever read, you all
suck!!!!!! this site sucks!!!!! later fags and fagets

From: <giggling deevaa>
Date: 29 July 1999

hehe... to the annoymous post above.. in my country a fag is a hand rolled cigerette and a faggot is a bunch of stick to light the fire... which am I meant to be?


From: deevaa deevaa@paradise.net.nz
Date: 29 July 1999

You really did work hard last night huh? 4 poems... for some thats like a gold mine.. <wink>
I particularly like 'boxcar transplant' the more I read it the more I like it... makes me kinda wish.... no.. never mind (ha)

'rest' awwwwww your so damn SWEET.... (((hugs cosette)))... girl do what he says...


From: Looloo
Date: 29 July 1999

hope you don't mind i added my own thought to the IV idea. that's handy having someone else plant the seed for me to water......keep them coming! despite what OTHERS might say (see previous), there is some great stuff here. i check the new submissions almost every day. thanks.

From: cricket
Date: 29 July 1999

I've been coming in the side door, and reading from the back row, for almost a year now. Your words have made me smile, laugh, and reflect.

The skill that you all have, is a skill that escapes me. So let me share a very short "love story". Mine.

I married my "soul mate" (someone PLEASE come up with a better word!)last Nov. In Dec. he became extremely Ill and was dignosed as having a heart infection that required a Pencillian IV, 24 hours a day, for 4 weeks straight - he had open heart surgery in March to replace one heart valve and repair another one - In May a driver ran a stop sign and we were in a serious car accident (the son of our landlord was the driver, and she lives in the other half of this duplex, awkard "yes") - I called the hospital home for 5 days and when I came to "our" home, he took care of me - was always there, knew what I needed, before I even asked. He's a 2nd career seminary student, without health ins. We've yet had time to be really "newlyweds," we're deeply in debt and have experienced more trails in 8 months, then most couples do in a life time. BUT you know, I wouldn't exchange one day. If anything we're closer, more in love, and truly committed. The trails have only drawn us closer. So with Kirk's forgiveness, I want to post a website.

I hope it will affect you as a lover, a friend, & family member ... but much more then that ... how you look at your place in this community we call "life".


AND yes, one can find love on the internet ... we did.

... scoots out with a nod and a wink .....

From: The Guppy
Date: 29 July 1999

cricket...wow...life can be such a blast at times eh?...well...good story...i'd not wish that stuff to happen to anyone, but, it is awesome that you've stuck together through it all...i admire your courage and attitude...and i hope things go better for you two in the future

dee...eh...it's nothin...ha...thanks for liking my mediocre crap though *hugs*

anonymous wuss...first off...bite me...second...eh, just bite me again...

everyone else...happy thoughts to all


From: just me
Date: 29 July 1999

jlor~~`your last sub.picture perfect as always

just me

From: Jlor jlorenz@saber.net
Date: 30 July 1999

Been trying to stay off here cause I've used too much space,
but have to comment on a few (wouild like to acknowledge
everyone if it wouldn't be so long.

Gupster, too many good ones to name, been wanting to tell you always nice stuff: elegantly fun/sad, simple and complex
at same once: how do you and other get such economy of words, lots of images, variety of experience? Fewer words
is more powerful and I've wanted to tell you I like your pieces, should have said so before now.

Cosette: latest one: "A Mug of Swiss Miss": like a number
of people on Blender, so good at taking everyday situations and making them sweet (no pun intended) and romantic! Oh
so marshMELLOW and fun.

Just Me: Nice little image of innocence of little one. Some
of us, like me, wish could get some of that back.
Angel: "You showed Me the World in a Mountain": as always
right to the heart, beauty of images, melancholy/sweet..
Liked your latest sub too.

AjTong: You, like Kevin, Deevaa,Angel, Cosette,SinneD, Gupster, (hate naming all these names, but consistently
I enjoy what they and you write; sorry to others I haven't mentioned and would if space permitted). You write with elegant simplicity of form but lot of content and you know just how to put vivid slices of your life and emotions into a well crafted structure; your little feeling/word picture poems with a little twist somewhere in them; they grab MY hiney and reel me in and leave me feeling like I walked away with a smile and something new in my pocket.

My apologies to anyone I inadvertently left out:( e.g. sorry, ZoE, Just Me~smile~ same comments apply about
economy of words and emotional gripping of me) in this grab bag catchall of "I like your stuff" comments. I hang out
lurking silently and don't comment, but when I do, I wanna go nuts.

From: ZoE
Date: 30 July 1999

Guppy> loved "Lipstick Backlash". It's funny cause i'm not usually a big fan of ryhmes but this struck me as a perfect balance of humor and eloquint words.

From: jlor jlorenz@saber.net
Date: 30 July 1999

ZoE: Wow! A Little Anger

Apart from being strongly well done, I was angry when I
saw someone who could treat you that way. I hope you'll
forgive me if I comment 'and I thought I was a dirtbag'
If someone really did this to anyone (you or anyone)
it's really terrible and tragic (take this at face value
I mean it for just that) I am appalled. I guess I did it
(see my sub "Unconditional..." I guess it takes one, to
know one. I really do not like myself for how I treated
this person. I'm appalled at myself, and that's why your
poem doubly got me. I've never been that 'up front' cruel
but did it in actions. If I were you I wouldn't blame you
if you hated men. I probably would if that had happened to
me. I wanted to include your stuff in previous comments
and by neglect had failed to include you and my comment
screen was filling up and didn't want to go comment more.
I have wanted to tell you, as with Guppy, I've admired the
poignancy of what you write (I know at terrible pain to you
in personal experience to write it. Speaking for me
(and probably everyone) I appreciate you putting your
wrenching experience into pain of having to relive it to
write about it for us. Thank you for your contribution
to us.

From: ZoE
Date: 30 July 1999

Jlor> thanks for commenting.Popsickle is a poem about someone who ran away to France on me but I still had affections for. Of course it had a tasteful bit of anger in it I think I exposed a part of myself that I was always scared to even think about god forbid write about. It brought out my thoughts of blasphemy etc. which in essence showed who I really am as a person, whether or not I be likeable. I really hope you don't retire from our board, because your comments are well as poems do inspire me to share mine. I hope my poem didn't disturb you too much. *smiles*

From: Jlor jlorenz@saber.net
Date: 30 July 1999

Far from disturbing me (and I guess I missed the
blasphemy: will revisit)what you have written
(forgive my inability to express another way the
word poignancy--I need a thesaurus) is emotional
and immediate to me. When I read you my emotions are
involved and I especially like your clean, non-hackneyed
composition. You express your feelings very vividly
and I'm immediately 'in' them and liking the way you
share what must be hard to have lived, but then to
draw on it as if it just happened without being artificial
(like the gassy writing I tend to do). Well,I don't mean to be 'too too' in praise, I am telling you the truth. What you wrote didn't offend me, it involved feelings I've shared
because you drew me into them and in some cases I see myself in the people who hurt you. I've real admiration for your power to (again, cliche) 'get to' me.

From: aryan weight
Date: 30 July 1999

hello. i got a letter from one your "people" and i want to write them back could you please help me? there "name" i j1orenz some thing like that.. could you please help me locate them thanks
Aryan Weight

From: jlorenz@saber.net
Date: 30 July 1999

I have sent you my email address should you wish to
write me.


From: ZoE
Date: 30 July 1999

Jlor> thank you. I think you may know I'm only 17 but I've experienced things beyound my years such as raising my child who I carried 9 months and was born almost 4 years ago. My baby,DeZ is a gift in my life. I think age does also give me a tendency to carefree express my problems etc.
I think it takes a good person to admit to their faults and that (not to sound too cliche') is the first step in not (in your case and people I have met) to not hurting anyone anymore. You seem, a great open minded person. :)

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