By Scott
Date: 19 July 1999

My Helen

How many men can
say they've looked
into the face of

How many can say
they've kissed her

How many can say
they've held her
while making love?

‘Tis truly the face
which launched a
thousand ships.

Her smile can stop
a falling star.

Her eyes can freeze 
an army.

Each piece falls into
place and shines in every
aspect of her beauty.

My heart is held high
above my head.
It beats with each
breath she draws.
It sings with joy
when she is happy.
And it bleeds when
she cries.

I wish to feel
the entire love she
feels for me.
Just as I know she
wishes to feel
the all of my love.

My being gives so much
of itself that it aches at
Then wishes to give more,
until every drop of my
existence is consumed
by love for this one perfect

She becomes me
as I am her.
We share in the joy I
bring with a posy,
and the pain I cause
with a word.

To love this Helen is
to experience a newness
which can only be
surpassed by each next
day with her.

I will always cherish this
Helen, my Helen.
And give to her love
I never even knew existed.

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