By ZoE
Date: 2 July 1999


*he startles me in dreams
*his chrome eyes like waves in some medior shower
*lips some rich color from my box of crayons
*in dreams his hair covers his eyes and flesh smothers me with warmth
*we merge- our watercolors spill in disarray and we become one
*we laugh like we are making love
*and make love like we are laughing
*sometimes it's hard to know where I end and he beings
*still I don't know him
*I want to know him
*know him like the mango dream petal firechild he is
*with streams of tears like my kitchen sink
*he is my colorwheel (like the one I saw in kindergarden) only he is every color
*shimmering in this terribly vulnerable way
*his pale blue eyes like the sunsets in tropical islands (i have never been there)
*come back

*to Randy*

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