Date: 25 April 1999

Life goes on and on

Life is one big struggle; Full of its ups and downs, It is a fight all the same, But life still goes on and on. The Almighty gave us a life, To prove our worth as a creation! One must learn to face it well, But life still goes on and on. Life is but a boat in a storm; Swaying from side to side , Struggling to keep afloat; When the helmsman sees a light; He moves towards it, The closer he gets , The farther he feels from it, If he just gives up and plans for death; He suddenly feels closer to the light; The struggle starts again, Like a spider weaving a web; Up and down; But eventually does finish it, But life still goes on and on. So do not despair ye humans; Life is great and good; A gift from the Supreme, Who is always there to save you, To protect and guide you; So do thy duty, And leave the rest to God; But life still goes on and on and on ............
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