By Crystal
Date: 29 April 1999

First and Last Impressions

Why is it, 
when you meet someone,
you spend so much time
trying to impress one another?
With time,
your eyes begin to shine, 
your heart begins to beat rapidly,
and your knees get weak.

Soon,  you fall so deep in love,
you get irritated with the others actions,
or by the feeling of disrespect.

I wonder when this happens
is it because you fell in love,
with only a portrayal of a someone else
in the beginning,
and not the true person themselves.

Or maybe it's because,
you get so close to someone,
and think you don't have to try 
to keep what you have real.
You see in the beginning,
there were no promises,
no guarantees,
you'll be together tomorrow,
and maybe, just maybe, 
you start to take eachother for granted,
assuming it's forever.
I guess, this is where you get 


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