By Misti Velvet Rainwater
Date: 17 April 1999

possible bliss

when you come to my city
my new funky taco turquoise
screaming gleaming deep
in the heart of Texas city
maybe things will be different
     between us
full circle, maybe
back to when we met
when I was a shy virgin
     and you held me
and I inhaled you
and looked up at the Big Dipper
and thought
Sweet Jesus, It's So Good to Be Alive
maybe I'll toss out
my repressed awkward self-denying
ways and throw myself down
tell you that I
   need a hug
and expect that
and a whole lot more
and feel that I deserve
it all heaped steaming hot
on a shiny silver platter
   that I can see
  my face in
even with my bad haircut
       and flawed complexion
           and Goodwill pants
         I bought
          on sale

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