By Misti Velvet Rainwater
Date: 18 October 1999

Another JC journal entry.

Felt angry 2-day 'cause I ate lunch alone. Josh hugged me and made me feel good. He's leaving for Florida next week- for good. Tommy left for good 2-day 
and Spider's leaving tomorrow. Taz told Amanda he might not come back. This is
awful. Walter cried- Tommy's his best buddy.
   I wonder whatever happened to that book I had when I was a little girl 
about pancakes falling from the sky and hamburgers and stuff- I loved that 
book, the illstrations were so cool.
  Anyway, things'll never be the same 'round here now that the Stony Crowd is
breakin' up. It's depressing.
   Distributed Meme's peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies 2-nite. Karla
gave me a piece of ham-n-cheese sandwich. Big D gave me a Newport. Me and 
Coveeta and Kristy talked to Mark- he's really cool and beautiful. He's a 
Virgo. There are so many Virgo males here at Job Corps.

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