By sarah
Date: 15 October 1999

get fuzzy

it seems as if walking can cure anything
or just a good laughing rumbling from inside
that if you feel the need to plop youself down
on a slab of concrete anywhere, all you need
to do is laugh, or if you feel like being a jet
plane for a day and raising your arms up
and pursing your lips together then blowing to make
funny noises you can do that
but what you can't do is mend your own heart
or make your own wishes come true
but then i thought about it and how cliche'd can i
be, all i wanted to do was dream away the day
or at least float away on that ocean of memory i
seem to fill my head with and let that take me away
when the tide comes in tonight
i couldn't find the moon the other night it was hiding
from me, so i found it last night, and said hello to my 
lost friend, not even a harsh breeze could of taken me away
but so i told the moon of my lost loves and of my
broken heart and how sometimes it never seemed
to heal, because every day its a new love it seems
a different facing passing through my dreams that i make
up stories about or that i somehow fantasize into reality
but then i think of what reality is and think of his smell, reality
smells nice, especially when he is lying next to you naked
that is the best smell in the world
or the feel of realities smooth back, or realities hands on your back
or elsewhere......i like this reality.
i have a reality, but i daydream of other realities and wonder about them
and then i think of that old saying curiosity killed the cat, which i learned
the origin for the other day, but wouldn't you know
i forgot it. But what was i saying? oh yeah, reality.

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