By J.B.
Date: 12 October 1999

A Home For You Too

She blamed me for scouring the earth for love
I did once, I said, but then I lost my hope
I never got hope back; never had to

You found me on the street and hugged me
Talked to me for hours and never stopped
Told me I was amazing; asked me into you

She thinks I am alone and crazy, but I'm not
She does not understand that I love you
And more than that: I know what love is

Once, I looked everywhere for a home
She still believes I am lost and lonely
I wonder why she won't see my incessant happiness

She does not understand what she sees
She curses me like a witch; burns me at the stake
Someday she will hide her eyes from me

I will hold her as she cowers
She will know an awesome, true love
She will find a home and love me too

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