By Pokie
Date: 22 October 1999

Love is having someone to lean on

whenever you are feeling stressed,
     Or just a little blue,
          Don't hesitate to talk to me,
               Because I am here for you.

Whenever the night is dark,
     And lightning fills the sky,
          If confusion fills your head
               And you can't figure out why.

Come run into my arms,
     And I will hold you tight,
          I will soothe you fears and frustrations.
               I will keep you safe through the night.

And if you ever feel your problems,
     Are too much for you to bear,
          And you feel as if 
               No one gives a care,

Come to me,
     I can ease the pain,
          And show you how much,
               You have to gain.

And if you ever get bored with life
     Come to me and I will show you fun,
          Because afterall 
               *LOVE* is having someone to lean on

Inspired by a "Love Is..." comic
Wrote for my friend ,my lover,my confidont,my soul mate,David 

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