By julie
Date: 15 October 1999

Make Believe

I’ve looked around for bloody- 
Stinking friends to know just what I’m thinking
Tried to write it in black inking
But they all quit listening
So I make believe a soul
And with them I relate my whole
Entire being, thoughts and shell
They understand and listen well
To all I want to show and tell
Sometimes girlish, at times a boy
This soul I’ve made is my own toy
False or Real –  by name McCoy
I call on them in woe or joy
It doesn’t always make up for
A real-ish person to explore
But I am learning more and more
That make believe can’t close the door
In your face or on your heart
And leave you standing in the dark
To sort out what has fallen apart
A puzzle-maker’s finest art
McCoy can share my world with me
At least in my mind we’re agreed
And I am not, to say, so sad
This make believe ain’t all that bad 


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