By Misti Velvet Rainwater
Date: 31 January 2000


SCENE 20-INT.-Daycare classroom. Day.
Becca is a teacher's aide at Rainbow Academy
Daycare Center, a prestigious, expensive daycare
facility in North San Antonio. Becca works in the
four-year-olds room. The moment she walks through
the door, the children call out her name and swarm
toward her.
Kevin: Miss Becca! I got to see "Star Wars" last night!
Becca: That's great, Kevin. Was it scary?
Kevin: A little bit. But I've got big muscles.
Shows Becca his bicep.
Becca: Oh, wow. Somebody's been drinking his milk.
Sara: Good morning, Miss Becca.
Becca: Good morning, Sara. What a pretty dress!
Sara: Thank you.
Gives Becca a hug.
Lisa, the lead teacher: Good morning, Miss Becca.
Are you ready for today's excitement?
Lisa is 25 and blonde. She's been working in daycare
since she was in high school.
Becca: I've had a cup of coffee, so I'm good to go.
Lisa: You look different.
Becca: Oh, it's probably because I'm happy.
Lisa: New boyfriend?
Becca: More or less.
Lisa: You'll have to give me details later on. Okay,
boys and girls, go back to your chairs and finish 
Garrett: Miss Becca, know what?
Becca: What?
Garrett: saw "Star Wars," too!
Kevin: No you didn't!
Garrett: I did, too! You better not start with
me this morning!
Lisa and Becca exchange looks. Lisa stifles a 
Lisa: Kevin, why don't you think Garrett is telling
the truth?
Garrett: Because he's a dork-a-saurus.
Becca laughs out loud and all the kids laugh along with
her. Lisa shakes her head.
Kevin: I did not see you at the movie, dodo.
Garrett: Well guess what? I was at a different
Lisa: Kevin, there is more than one movie theater
in San Antonio.
Becca: How many do we have today?
Lisa: Eight. Lindsay's sick, Ariel's at her grandma's,
Jack is at Disney World, Peter is in Vancouver, Matt
has the chicken pox and Sierra is with her dad this
Becca: So I'll actually get out of here before six
today. I'm getting happier by the second.
Lisa: So where'd ya meet the newest Mr. Right Now?
Becca: On Sesame Street. Oscar the Grouch had a party
in his trash can.
Garrett: Did he have cupcakes?
Becca: Of course. What's a party without cupcakes?
Kevin: Did they have worms?
Becca: Yes. Worms and roly polies.
Lisa: You shouldn't tell them that. Now they're going
to dig through trash cans looking for cupcakes.

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