By Adam
Date: 14 December 1999

You're All Very Lucky

I think you all here at "The Blender" are very lucky people
I sit some nights, reading through Heart on Sleeve
And I cry myself to sleep most often then not

I envy you all
You have someone
Someone you love enough to mention in a few lines of a poem to the entire world
I am not as lucky as you to have a girl (or guy)
Here I sit with no one, and wish I could find someone
Someone to share my feelings with, as well as spend the countless
 hours listening to theirs

You all have inspiration to write these beautiful lines that make poetry
Where as I have nothing once again, not even a hope in this world
Everyone here has the only thing that is needed to live: LOVE.
Believe me I am happy for you, and also jealous
But more so am I glad. Glad to have you writing for the world
For the world, and for those poor guys like me, who sit lonely
Crying at night for someone to hold hands with, and cuddle with on cold nights
Nothing big I ask, only the little things
Those little things that no one notices, and most appriciate

So to all of you here, writing for the world of cyberspace, I send you my deepest thanks
As do many others no doubt. All we ask in return is more
More about what we need to live, and the only real essential thing in life: LOVE.

To everyone here. Thank you from the bottom of a still empty heart.

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