By SwtLiz (
Date: 4 December 1999

Types of Love

Love:  Dec 13 1998


 Many different types of love has enter my life yet my heart yearns for more.
  Mother, Father, Sister,Brother.. Son, Friend, and a lover touches your
   life with love yet each brings along a different emotion felt within.


How to describe what they mean to me:

 The love that my Mother and Father brings is: A love that is unconditional.
  A love in which WE may not always agree but respect each other for our
   opinions and the decisions we make in our life. A love that will not
    invade when is not needed but will be there to help pick up the pieces. A
     love that will love you no matter what mistakes you make through the
      journey what we call "LIFe"


The love that my sister and brother brings is: A love that is more of respect
 of one another. Agree to disagree when a mutual answer can not be found
  A love that has no ends or limits.


The love that my Son brings to me: The love for my son is a feeling shared all
 to its own. Giving life to a human being is magical. Having this child growing
  inside and feeling each motion and movement makes you speechless. For a new
   generation of heritage passed down from generation to generation is
    beginning to take place.  Teaching family values of compassion for life and
     the world around you is an understanding that must become a way of life.
      From early childhood memories to adolescents mistakes, to blossom into
       adulthood. The love seeing your creation take on these understandings in
        life is a love all its own. An unspoken love and understanding. A
         bond in which lasts a life time.


The love that my friends bring is: A love of confidence, Admiration between


A love for a lover or a partner in life is a love that is dear at heart. A
 searching for ones better half of ones soul. Together becoming one unity. A
  love that has no secretes or lies. A love that is honest and pure. A love
   that has understandings unity but yet individuality. An unknown feelings of
    compassion for one experience by commitment. Neither a love that is jealous
     nor a love that is taken for granted has any room for love of this kind.
      Love has no room for dishonesty, betrayal, or the unwillingness for 
       understanding. Finding ones true love is a yearning for ones to become
        whole again. A search for one to be loved.  If this love exist than you
         truly have an everlasting love. A love of mind, body, and soul. 
          Some may call this love, "soul mates finding one another".


Liz '98

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