By Misti Velvet Rainwater
Date: 9 December 1999


   because I want to be in 
     cheesy B-movies
  that never make it to
   the Silver Screen
 but can be checked out
   at the local video store
  for a low, low price
   you should love me
  because I want to write poetry
    until I die
and never achieve mass appeal
   you should love me

 you should love me
 because I think
   it's a real good idea
  I love me
 you should join the club
there is relatively no harm
  involved in loving
 a kooky, spooky 
  space cadet
such as myself
I only bite
  when programmed to
and even then
  it's a friendly bite
not a malicious one

    of all the folks 
     in the world
  you should love me
    the MOST
   because I kiss 
    like I mean it
   and I squeeze lemons
   into my water
  I should be adored
      by you
if not worshipped
  because I have taken more
    risks in twenty years
   than most people take
    in a lifetime
   I walk the tightrope
   between real life
   and something better
  I toss rose petals
   on the fears of circus clowns
 I fly in my dreams
   over sad picnics

you know you should
      love me
     so do it
it's a way to live
    and that's 
    a promise
  I'll deliver
     to your person
with no trouble at all

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