By the guppy
Date: 27 June 2000 unknown

sometimes it seems
my dreams recoil
like a plastic knife through tenderloin
you are there with me
your thoughts unseeded
your breathing brings me back again
it's hard to say the hearts of men
are seething
i'm a teething child
your bounty holds my attention
i'm no good
unless you count intentions
your framework loves you
i'm a cauldron-born mosquito of your innocence
i fly free
but i'm drawn to you
i pit true love against nourishment
it's blocked by fog
it's a rained-out parade i was invited to
i sealed the envelope
with your tongue flicking wildly and passionate
i part my lips at your suggestion
it doesn't take much, lover
i taste you on the paper
i was born to drink you in
i am alive to lap up your love
and press mine to your lips
let it flow over you
let me flow into you
let me make snowflakes melt for miles around
please, darling, the sounds of you enslave me
i long to catch them
long to live with them beneath my skin
take you where my heart has been

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