By Megs
Date: 29 May 2000

This Offer Only Good for 24 Hours

I play a mean game of poker
but don't know how to bluff
its all strategy on my part baby
I read faces
interpret sighs

I love baseball
Know all the pitchers
follow the Cubs faithfully
cause I always root for the underdog

I can give a great back massage
make you melt
if you'll let me
cause I'm warm and when I touch you
I really feel something more than skin

I am a phenomenal kisser
at least I have heard it said

I am a Pisces and someone told me once
that meshes well
with your Scorpio stars

We both love Jim Morrison
and can sing all the lyrics
songs by old legends
who died to young
and lived to wild.

I project ebullience into your dark corners
I run around barefoot
and make wishes on dandelion fuzz

I will make you spaghetti
cause its the only thing I can cook
I will make you forget
so you can put down the bottle
and intoxicate yourself
in whatever it is about me that appeals to you

I have played chameleon for so long
I forgot my true colors
But I still dance
Even in the rain
Make love
because its beautiful and it feels right

I hone these skills
prized in a woman
to attract someone of your type
whose smile makes me
through caution to the wind
I can't abide games though
and I have been waiting twenty-three minutes
for a phone call that I know won't come.

But I will list my attributes
in silly poems
that you will never read
but I bet you would understand.

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