By Evangeline
Date: 26 May 2000

Velvet Elvis

My velvet Elvis winked at me today.
He smiled as I walked by.
Was he flirting or just reminding me that I'm flirt worthy?

My velvet Elvis danced with me today.
He danced in the breeze as I sang his songs.
What ever happened to when you and I would dance?

My velvet Elvis cried with me today.
He wept as I screamed about the injustices of my life.
What did he mean by doing that?
I don't need his sympathy.
I don't want his empathy.

My velvet Elvis laughed at me today.
He mocked me as I sat alone.
Where are all of his friends if he's so damned happy?

My velvet Elvis sneered at me today.
He raised his eyebrow in an offending manner.
"Where's your lover?" He asked me.

My velvet Elvis caught fire today.
I did it to him.
He was becoming too real.
He got cocky.
He reminded me of you.

Back when you couldn't be shown on TV below the waist.
Back when you sang to me and snarled at the same time.
Back when you had dreams of being someone.
Back when you had dreams of us becoming something.
Back when there was more to you than just material.

My velvet Elvis burned my house down today.
I'm being hauled away.
It's all his fault.
Don't they know that you were supposed to be with me?
Don't they know that I hate to be alone?
Don't they know it's all your fault.

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