By sarah
Date: 7 May 2000

laying your rush

i never thought much of vehicles
before now.....when every car i see
with that color and that shape
i look at the driver to see if its you
i never thought much of missing moments
of time before now either
but now every moment i miss with you
just blends itself deeper into the widening
river that causes our rushing together
i wanted you to rush toward me
to weave your magic and breath
and to lay your hands on my head and
say i was feel your tender touch and your lips
to listen to your heart beat for an evening
without the lull of the electric lights outside
somewhere where silence meets your eyes and mine
and the silence means there is peace between you and i
and that without your way of looking and speaking
i would not want to be anything else but the
reflection in your dark pupils
when all i can think of is those brief moments
that passed so quickly i thought you were just a vision
that came to me while parking under the street
lights and then diseapeared when my car door slammed shut
this would be easier if you regretted it
if i didn't draw you to me and if i didn't know that i did
because i know that each night when you go back to her
that i'm thinking of you
while laying alone

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