By Megs
Date: 25 May 2000

Lessons Learned

I've learned a little
Can count the lessons in your kisses
How lips can touch
and feelings can be falsified
to suit the moment
forged like a signature
amazing duplications
I've learned
I won't always do the right thing
that I am clusmy in love
bumbling and awkward
cause its all still new to me
and I will say the wrong thing
or say the right thing too soon
but I need to be loved anyway.
I've learned to follow my heart
to go off into twisting winding paths
to dance in the dark
to break all the rules
to throw my head back and savor the moment
instead of planning the next few days
I've learned I can pretend around you
better than I thought
that my heart can be tucked under my sleeve
and I can congratulate you (almost) sincerely
and not grab you by the collar
and scream
at the injustice
when my lips form longing shapes
and you don't remember

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