By Misti Velvet Rainwater
Date: 16 May 2000

Faceless Nameless Boy & Girl

faceless nameless boy & girl
I don't know either one of you
and I'm pretty sure ya'll don't know me
'cause I be a resident of BFE
(BFE=Bum Fuckin' Egypt)
(middle of nowhere, ya see)
apparently, your aching hearts need my artistry
I will help any way I can
I'll write of the love between an anonymous woman
and an anonymous man's better than animal lust
but I trust you know it takes a helluva lot more energy
and poetry won't suffice
and art isn't always nice
but like lice
the love bug
it makes ya itch
and you sing even if your voice is sadly off pitch
hell...get hitched
if you feel the need
or be like Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell
if that's more your speed
but heed my advice
don't read Plath
just enjoy each other
in an orange bath

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