By Megs
Date: 31 May 2000

Unsent #15

There are love songs
popular in situations like this
and trite cliches
"If you love someone let them go..."

There are people who say you are all wrong
since you never have called
or to shy away from someone with footlockers of baggage
and dark wounded eyes

But still I stubbornly persist
I write stacks of poems
I draw hearts with your name
I participate in a thousand silly ritual acts
always have
when I have wanted someone to want me

I write you letters
and I might send one one day
Perhaps I am getting carried away
or creating a character
that isn't you

But I no longer believe that a person can kiss another
as we have kissed
and not inhale some of their soul
it is the kiss that helped me understand
perhaps you have set a test before me
to see if I will fall off my wobbly pedestal
perhaps you want me to run away
and save myself from you

I won't do either of these things
none of the above
I will make you smile
because its a need I have had
for far too long
and you don't even realize
that happiness comes when you let go
and let it happen
and listen to that inner voice
that I know speaks my name.

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