By Gala
Date: 19 May 2000


Somehow you caught me
during one of my flitting visits
caught me -- catching that proud curtain of hair
not harshly -- but in a way that brooked
neither games nor discussion.
I laughed -- until I saw your eyes
green, serious, aflame
and they held me steady
when I felt your hand
curve along the skin
that Indian cotton
does not protect.

I am no child -- so why am I afraid of this -- why does your touch
or even your glance
chase the blood to my face,
and yes, lower still....

I am no fool,
and neither am I simple -- and yet I feel the urge
to rise like a full moon before you,
brush aside this silly skirt,
and be taken
until I am spent
and you are mastered
by my submission.

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