By Misti Velvet Rainwater
Date: 1 February 2000


SCENE 25-EXT.-MONTAGE-San Antonio. Day.
Music is still "Can You Forgive Her?"
Becca and Derek riding a trolley downtown.
They kiss, oblivious to the rest of the world.
Becca and Derek walking along the Riverwalk
eating ice cream cones.
Becca trying on fancy clothes she can't afford
inside a boutique. Becca and Derek making out
in the dressing room.
Becca and Derek riding in the elevator at the
Tower of the Americas.
Becca pretending to shake the bars on the terrace
of the Tower. Derek standing back, looking nervous.
Becca and Derek chasing each other around the lawn
in front of the Alamo, shooting each other with
water guns.

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