By Lou
Date: 6 February 2000

Interrupted Phone Call

Another conversation finished my happiness exceeds
  that which I have ever felt before

Although the world is now silent I still revel
  in the sound of your voice that is now
  eternally imprinted in my mind

I lay down take a breath and return to the 
  place in my head that I've devoted solely
  to you and your memories

I've lost the ability to think of anyone or anything
  else; you totally surround my mind and body 
  to the point that I feel as though I still 
  lay in your arms!

Unlike ones I've ever felt before my feelings
  for you are felt and portrayed in all that I do

Nothing that I may encounter in the course
  of a day lacks relativity to you

My futile attempts to be with others all turn
  out the same with broken hearts and wasted tears

My only wish is to be with you now!

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