By Gala
Date: 29 February 2000

The Laughter In My Eyes

I am not so wise as you may think,
rather I have known this curious beast
called love for short,
for a while longer,
and am used to it's odd habits.

I have loved those who loved me not.
I loved those who wanted less---
or even those who wanted more
than I had to give.

I have loved those
who saw me as a template
that they could fill
with their own colors---
until my true colors bled through.

I have been dear to many,
and even a few called me precious---
not ever knowing what that word meant,
because what's precious
you cannot bear to lose
and they were willing
to give me up without a whimper.

But looking back fairy girl,
I will tell you this
I do not regret a single moment of love,
no matter what came of the parting.
And that is why
you will always see
laughter in my eyes.

You learn from every moment.
Love is just a crash course.
Now get out there, and study hard,
cause you can't cram
for that sort of test,
and no matter how it seems,
you really can't fail...

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