By same
Date: 12 February 2000

The Risk

Careless words and broken promises
My heart has ridden rough terrain -
I gave upon your smiling face
My heart begins to beat again.

Will it survive another stomping
Should I risk it, do I dare? -
Your hand gently caresses my cheek
I feel the love I want to share.

Mind and heart in constant battle
Twirling about as a choreographed dance -
Thoughts screaming "HIDE", don't risk it
Feelings longing for another chance.

Turmoil haunts my daily existence
Sanity tortured at the choice I face -
I picture you wlking out of my life
Risk be damned, I cling to your embrace!

I need to feel your arms surround me
To share your life from day to day -
And if per chance its not everlasting
It's worth the price we have to pay.

The alternative really no choice at all
Dictates a lonely, unshared forever -
Dreams are worthy of the ongoing quest
True love justifies each new endeavor.


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