By Misti Velvet Rainwater
Date: 4 February 2000


SCENE 30-INT.-Nursing home. Night.
Derek and Becca are standing outside Mr. Crenshaw's
door talking to a nurse.
Nurse: Derek, we had to give your grandfather some he may be a little drowsy.
Derek: You gave him sedatives? Why?
Nurse: He had an altercation with one of the other residents.
It escalated into physical aggression.
Derek: You mean he kicked some old guy's ass?
Nurse: Actually, he tried to strangle a woman in a wheelchair.
Becca: Oh my god.
Derek: She probably wouldn't leave him alone. These people
are packed in here like sardines in a can or animals in a zoo.
I'd go crazy in five minutes if I had to live in this place.
Nurse: Well, we can't allow your grandfather to cause injury
to the other residents. We can't afford a lawsuit.
Derek: I'm sure you can't.

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