By poetwench
Date: 8 February 2000

Prism, Light Defracted

I believe in magic after a fashion,
have felt a hand outlined against my skin
that glowed softly neon
and sent sparks from my flesh to my soul.
I have tasted fresh strawberries
in a kiss,
known firm resolve that turned traitor
when fierce hungry eyes consumed me,
long after I believed such a thing could occur.
Love and loving is not for the young alone,
and time hones the wanting to a keen edge.
Time teaches you to seperate
the thunder from the lightning,
and the heart welomes them all
even as the mind boggles
that they exist in the least.
Dragons, unicorns, magic beasts---
you have made me know them 
in the cascade of colors
and swirl of wonder
behind my eyes.
Wizard, Magician, Mage---
yes. I believe in magic after a fashion,
such I learned in your arms.
The only question to my wondering soul
is what forms of magic have I taught you?

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