By Misti Velvet Rainwater
Date: 19 April 2000

Christmas March

you named all of the animals
      in my garden
you gave me fruit from all
      the trees
you bathed my sweaty body
     in a cool breeze
and didn't make me say please
     when I wanted more
how I adore you!
you are the first song
I've ever felt
you are the lullaby
that sweetens my dreams
and deepens my slumber
if there is a number
     to assign
it is one
it is zero
a snake eating its own tail
I close my eyes and your kisses are Braille
teaching me that it is okay to reach out
for what you don't deserve
and ask for seconds
here in this paradise
created from our mutual love and desire
there is you
and there is I
there is hunger
and there is thirst
and the undeniable knowledge
that We
are the first

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