By Kevin L. Griffin (A.K.A. Passion8) /
Date: 2 April 2000


Deep within the very core of my being. Deep within the
very fabric of my soul. At the very epicenter of all that
I am, I am confused.

Deep within the center most reaches of my heart. Deep
within the abysmal recesses of my mind. At the very center 
of my universe, I feel lost and alone.

I am lost between two seperate worlds. Torn between
something I already have and something I need and
desire fiercely. And I dream of you constantly.

I need to see you. To hear your voice. To look deeply
into your eyes. I want to be with you, but fear what may
happen. Yet, am I willing to accept the consequences?

To loose what I already have, yet chance loosing what I
need. To leave what has been and seek what could be. To
give up all that there is to chase what might be,
defies comprehension

This is and always shall be my quandary. To continue
down life's path. Wondering where it my lead. Constantly
contemplating. Forever considering....

         ........And I dream of you.

                                           Passion 8

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