Date: 17 April 2000

The reversal of the dumpee

I will cry
I will be hurt
My insides will feel all torn from 
The love you didn’t return, 
But it is okay
Cause I know a few weeks from today
You’ll be the one calling my name
I will feel lost
Yes my heart will break, 
But I know it will be you 
Who has made the mistake

That day will come 
Somewhere, you’ll see my face 
You remember my lips 
How they tasted..
I will be fine in days to come
The tides will turn and 
You’ll be missing 
The love I gave 
All the gifts
All the dinner over the stove I slaved
my kiss
Even the bomb ass blow jobs I use to give
You want it all back
Oh yes, I crying over you 
I maybe, 
but in the end
it’s you who will be missin me 

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