By Passion8 /
Date: 7 April 2000


Sadness would be an understatement. Pain never 
says enough. When that very special someone in 
our lives is taken away forever.

When the Gods on High say its time to come home. 
When the Gods say life has come to an end. And 
bring so much sorrow into our lives.

We all say that life is too short. We say we never 
have enough time. That the Gods have been cruel 
and unthinking, and we blame them for our loss.

As hard as it may be to see. As hard as it is to 
believe. The Gods weep too. They weep for having 
to do what they do. Their tears are in the rain.

But why must WE be the ones to be so cruel? Why 
must WE be so unthinking? The Gods have a greater 
task for our special ones. Their need is greater still.

So, instead of mourning for the loss, instead of 
feeling sorry for ourselves, instead of letting anger 
get the best of us. Let us, instead, rejoice in the Memory.

                                          Passion 8

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