By lanna
Date: 26 April 2000


We've opened every window
   in the cabin.
You said it needed airing out.
Is that all that needs to get out,
   I wonder?

I sit in the silence
   listening to Nature outside,
   reveling in the cool breeze.
A glance in to you every few moments
   shows that you're still napping.

I think over the past few days.
Has it really been almost a week?
I feel like I just arrived,
   and too soon I have to leave.
Are we destined to only catch
   these few moments?

I close my eyes
   and try to catch it all to relive.
The sparkle of the sun on the waves
   was so much like that 
   twinkle in your eyes.
The touch of your lips, fingers, teeth, tongue
   was so much more than I imagined.
The sound of your voice, whispering, laughing,
   reprimanding, is forever ingrained
   in my memory.

I've lived a life in this
   short span of time.
It wasn't long enough
   for everything.
I take away all of 
   the memories, though,
   which will last me forever.


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