By Hank Christian
Date: 25 October 2000

Chasing My Dreams

Lazily I curl up a bit tighter
Pulling my sheet up under chin
Forcing my eyes to remain closed
As I chase the remnants of a dream of you
Down the corridors of my heart.

Throw me a flower, throw me a rose
Throw me a daisy, I’ll catch it in my toes.
Throw me an apple, throw me a pear
Throw me your kisses, I’ll catch ‘em in the air.

And sleep drains away from my mind
Like water from my tub after a long hot soak.
But I don’t want it to end, this sleeping reality
Where you are my world, and my world is at peace.

Would that with eyes open, it could be your arms I feel
Wrapping me in the Toa of You
Your heartbeat I feel in unity with mine
And most of all, your eternity I could enter and make mine.

24.10.00               *Hank*

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