By Gala
Date: 25 October 2000

Coming Up For Air

I left you bare minutes ago,
walk down the stairs with shaky legs
rubber knees and a heart flutter
that still wants to steal my breath,
and you are printed all over me,
your skin,
your taste,
and it would be correct to shower
but I don't want to wash away
the last few hours
can still feel your mouth
your hands
hear you welling over
spilling love
hear my own sounds
like a soft echo
bouncing off the glow
and no---we did not think
we could manage another round
but when you gave me that oh so sweet kiss
your mouth earnest
i pulled you even closer
and felt cheated---
i needed to be kissing as well---
ah...the perfect thing!
You quieted my sighs
and we fell into lovely rythmn
oh yes,kiss me harder
yes let me
oh let me
beyond words
beyond flesh
beyond that riot of nerve endings
yes let me
let me let me letme
love you

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