By Stands with a smile
Date: 30 October 2000

Tonight you dream

Tonight you dream and walk in places
you do not dare by day.
Dream, and dream, and dream.

Your face will be lit by jealous stars
that cannot match your laughter or your fire
when all in you is free at last.

You think yourself alone?  Oh no.
You may be reading this one day
and discover I was nearby.

I do not know your face, your voice
and the measure of your walk
but I will one day.

I have a faith that nature tends to obey it's own laws.
I know that she abhors a vaccuum,
and will not long tolerate the emptiness in each of us.

You feel yourself an empty vessel waiting to be filled..
I feel myself a river waiting to be poured out
for your filling and your joy.

Dream then, and in that peaceful place
listen for the voice that soothes your heart
seek the steel that waits to be forged in you.

Tonight you dream.  I will be dreaming too.
On stardust paths across some yet un-named heaven
I will be seaching for your face.

Dream, and dream, and dream.
I am that close.  Come closer
Dream with me.

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