By Gala
Date: 30 October 2000

Ishtar In The Western Sky

Look my dear one---
in the heavens to the West,
She is rising in beauty
not far from the moon
raining down brilliance
evening star that we share.
Gleaming she promises much,
and the cool air
pushes away the wisps of clouds
so that her face is unveiled.
I felt your touch
when I saw her,
gathered you to me
part song, part prayer
and we are not allowed
to wish on a the face of a goddess,
and yet wish I did,
will I did,
want I did.
But since she inspired me,
whispered your name
and tripped me into your arms
strong, and waiting
She will forgive me---
but only if i love you
with the last cell of my being,
only if I hold you as precious,
and mine.
Nothing less will satisfy her---
and nothing less will I offer.
Darling man,
dear one,
I can touch you
with a thought
kiss you with a word
and make love to you
beneath a perfect mantle of stars,
because that it the will
of Ishtar,
and oh heart.

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